Entrance Exams
Colleges offering MS-MSDE under Tribhuvan University
The Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University has initiated a 2-year full-time masters program in mechanical engineering, titled M.Sc. Engineering in Mechanical Systems Design and Engineering (MS-MSDE), from April/May 2017.
Engineers completing four years course in Bachelor in Mechanical/Industrial/Automobile/Aeronautical Engineering, or equivalent to Mechanical Engineering, will be eligible to apply for this program. This program will be run under Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Lalitpur, Nepal.
The students in this program will develop high levels of analytical and critical skills and learn about the core mechanical methods, tools and techniques, understand their applications and limitations, and indulge in research in the fields of mechanical design, advanced numerical/computational techniques, energy engineering, mechanics and materials, air conditioning and refrigeration, automobile and heavy-equipment engineering, aerospace and aviation, project planning, industrial methods, and management, through highly progressive and innovative learning methods.
Salient Features
Duration of study and barrier
The normal duration of the course for fulfillment of the degree is two academic years. The maximum period within which a student is allowed to complete the course is fourth academic year. Each student must take a minimum of 60 credits. Students may take more than 60 credits but the excess will not be counted for.
Only the students who secure minimum 50% of the total credit of any semester will be allowed to admit for the next semester. Unsuccessful students have to repeat the courses in which they failed and should pay course registration fee for those courses.
Credit System
The course curriculum is organized in the overall framework of credit system. Each course has a certain number of credits which indicated the weightage. The number of credits depends on the contact hours for the course and its work load. Course with one credit weightage will have 15 lecture hours in a semester. The tutorials consulting and assessment hours will vary depending on the nature of the course. The total credit for the master's program is 60 credits.
In order to be eligible for admission for M.Sc. Mechanical Systems Design and Engineering (MS- MSDE), a candidate must have:
- Bachelors' degree from a 4-year engineering program in Mechanical, Industrial, Aeronautical, and Automobile Engineering, or equivalent, from Tribhuvan University and other recognized universities as well as degree equivalent to any of the aforementioned branches of engineering.
- Secure at least a minimum score as prescribed by the faculty board in the admission test conducted by the Institute of Engineering.
Admission Criteria
Entrance examination
The nature of entrance examination will be decided by the Entrance Examination Board of the Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University.
Candidate fulfilling the program entry requirements will be selected for admission on the basis of merit based on entrance examination.
Category of Students
The following category of students will be enrolled in the MS-MSDE programs to fulfill its quota of 20 students.
- Regular students who have been selected through the IOE post-graduate entrance examination for the MS-MSDE program, complying with the rules and regulations of Pulchowk Campus to qualify as regular students.
- Full-fee or self-sponsored students who have been selected through the IOE post- graduate entrance examination for the MS-MSDE program, and falling in the full-fee criteria under the rules and regulations of the Pulchowk Campus.
- Sponsored students from government organizations, industries, INGO/NGO or other entities, selected through the IOE post-graduate entrance examination for the MS-MSDE program, and complying with the rules and regulations of Pulchowk Campus for sponsorship through an external organization or entity.
Category No. of StudentsRegular 6Full-Fee 8Sponsored 6
Curricular Structure
The course structure is based on the Semester System. The detailed course structure, examination scheme, marks, etc. are listed in the detailed course structure sheet.
Each year is divided into the first and second semesters. There are altogether six core courses and four elective courses needed to be taken by each student. In the first year first semester, four core courses are offered and two core courses in the second semester. The second year's, first semester includes one group project.
Four different elective subjects are offered in the second semester and students can opt for two of them. There are four fundamental streams/concentrations of elective courses offered, namely, Engineering Mechanics and Materials (7 courses), Mechanical Design and Manufacturing (6 courses), Thermo-Fluids (5 courses), and Industrial Practices (9 courses), respectively.
The first two elective concentrations are offered in the second semester, and students can choose two courses from each stream to study under two groups of two different courses for each elective. Similarly, the third and fourth elective concentrations are offered in the third semester and can be selected as described for the first two electives.
The second-year second semester is entirely allocated for dissertation work. The dissertation shall be individual's work and be extensive and normally design, simulation, performance characteristics, and/or manufacturing-based. Students shall be encouraged to publish research papers in national and international journals as an outcome of their dissertation work.
Course Outline: The course outlines of the core courses are provided below. The course outlines of elective courses are subject to development and changes from respective teaching faculties.1. Advanced Research Methods
Types of Research, Defining Research Problem, Research Design, Sampling, Measurement, and Scaling Technique, Methods of Data Collection, Processing and Analysis, Testing of Hypothesis, Analysis of Variance, Multivariate Analysis Technique, Proposal Writing, Thesis Writing, Preparation of Research Paper.
2. Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Machines
Derivation of Finite Volume Continuity, Momentum and Energy Equations, Boundary Conditions, Surface and Volume Integrals, Incompressible Flows, Circulation, Lifting Line Theory, Compressible Flows and Aerothermodynamics, Viscous Flow Theory, Chemically Reacting Viscous Flows, Examples in Applications of Fluid Mechanics, Design of Fluid Machines.
3. Computational Fluid Dynamics
Finite Volume Treatment for Continuity, Momentum and Energy Equations, Incompressible and Compressible Flow Solutions, Viscous Flow Solutions, Application of CFD, Conditioning and Solution Formulation of Full Set of Navier-Stokes Equations, Treatments for Incompressible and Compressible Flows, Solution Formulation of unsteady, convection, viscous stress and diffusion, and source terms, Solving basic flows with simple computational schemes, Mesh Generation, Examples in FLUENT, Introduction to OpenFOAM.
4. Finite Element Methods and Application
Introduction, Matrix Algebra, Trusses, Axial Members, Beams, and Frames, One-dimensional Elements, Analysis of One-Dimensional Problem, Two-Dimensional Elements, ANSYS, Analysis of Two-Dimensional Heat Transfer Problems, Analysis of Two-dimensional Solid Mechanics Problems, Dynamic Problems, Analysis of Fluid Mechanics Problems, Three- Dimensional Elements, Design, and Material Selection, Design Optimization.
5. Advanced Thermodynamics and Heat Engines
Basic Concepts and Definitions, Reviews of the First, Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics, Reversible Work, Irreversibility and Second-Law Efficiency for a Closed System, Steady-State Control Volume, Analysis of Simple Cycles, Ideal and Non-Ideal Mixtures and their Thermodynamic Properties, Variation of Specific Heats, Chemical Reactions, Combustion, and Fuel Cells, Chemical and Multiphase Equilibria, Discussion on Compression and Absorption Cycles and Working Fluids.
6. Solid Mechanics
Vector Algebra, Forces Resultants and Moments, Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies, Free Body Diagrams, Center of Gravity, Centroids and Moments of Inertia, Tension, Compression and Shear, Axially Loaded Members, Torsion, Advanced Shear Force, Combined Loading, Bending Moments, Stresses in Beams, Stress Transformation, Deflection of Beams, Analysis of Stress and Strain, Failure Criteria, Pressure Vessels, Column Analysis.