MS in Development Management and Governance

MS in Development Management and Governance

2 years
Distance Learning

The Master in Educational Science (MES) at Nepal Open University, specializing in Education Governance and Leadership (EGL) and Instructional Design and Technology (IDT), is a comprehensive two-year distance learning program. It aims to cultivate specialized knowledge and critical thinking skills, preparing graduates to tackle challenges in education governance and instructional design with confidence.

Through its well-structured curriculum and evaluation system, the program equips students to demonstrate innovative thinking, critically analyze insights, and address problems using effective arguments and techniques. Additionally, it emphasizes the clear communication of findings to both expert and general audiences and prepares students to adapt to dynamic and unpredictable contexts. 

Salient Features

Evaluation System

  • Passing both internal and semester-end (theory and practical) examinations at the Master's level requires a minimum of 50% of the total marks.
  • Question papers for external examinations will be selected from a question bank and moderated by experts.
  • A scrutiny board will review 15% of answer sheets, with reexaminations conducted if necessary.
  • NOU may conduct entrance tests, assignments, or examinations online, ensuring originality through plagiarism checks.
  • For a three-credit Master's course, the final examination duration is four hours.
  • The Dean's Office will adjust the examination duration proportionally for exams with total marks less than 100.


  • Applicants must hold a 3-year Bachelor's degree or an equivalent qualification in a relevant field.
  • Basic computer proficiency is also required.

Admission Criteria

  • Applicants should submit their applications through the student panel on the official website.
  • Required documents include transcripts and degree certificates from SEE/SLC, +2, and Bachelor's levels.
  • All applicants are required to take the entrance examination administered by the University.

Curricular Structure

The course holds a total of 60 credits distributed evenly across the four-semester over the two-year time period. The detailed curricular structure is:

First Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits
MGGMG 501 Organization and Management 3
MGGPL 502 Public Personnel Management 3
MGGDE 511 Development Philosophy and Theories 3
MGGSO 521 Sociology and Cultural Anthropology of Human Development 3
MGGEM 531 Environmental Management and Sustainable Development 3
Total   15
Second Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits
MGGST 521 Statistical Methods 3
MGGDE 542 Economic Growth, Development and Equity 3
MGGDE 543 Development Planning and Implementation 3
MGGLW 551 Legal Environment and Regulatory Framework 3
MGGPL 555 Democracy and Inclusive Governance 3
Total   15
Third Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits
MGGPL 522 Public Service Delivery 3
MGGPL 553 Accountability and Ethics in Public Offices 3
MGGPL 591 Public Policy Formulation and Analysis 3
MGGRM 691 Research Methods 3
------ Elective I 3
Total   15
Fourth Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits
MGGMG 503 Fiscal Management and Budgeting 3
MGGPL 554 Foreign Aid Management 3
MGGPR 651 Project Management 3
MGGRE 699 Dissertation 3
------ Elective II 3
Total   15

Electives (Any two courses)

  1. MGGDE 641: Globalisation, Emerging Economies, and Development
  2. MGGIT 611: E-governance & IT
  3. MGGDE 642: Participatory Planning
  4. MGGPL 651: Public-Private Partnership
  5. MGGPL 652: Management of Resource Conflict
  6. MGGPL 653: Public Leadership
  7. MGGLW 651: International Law for Human rights and Human Development
  8. MGGPL654: Federalism and Resource allocation
  9. MGGPL 655: New Public Management

MGGRE 699:

The Dissertation, containing 3 credits, will span all two semesters. In the third semester, each student will be required to choose a topic for the dissertation, get trained in writing skills in English, computer literacy, and research methodology, write a research proposal, and defend it before a Committee. In the fourth semester, the student will study the relevant literature, write the survey chapter, the theoretical/methodology chapter, and the research design for the collection of data. In the third semester, the student will collect, collate and analyze data, and complete a 50-60-page dissertation.