MPhil in Economics

MPhil in Economics

Master of Philosophy
1 year 6 months

Colleges offering MPhil in Economics under Tribhuvan University

The Central Department of Economics has introduced M. Phil. Degree in Economics since academic year 2007. The objective of this course is to provide advanced and specialized study in Economics for further learning and research leading to Ph.D. The proposed program will be running under semester system.
The course contents are divided accordingly in three semesters. First semester covers three core papers and an optional of 4 credit hours each equivalent to 400 hundred full marks. Second semester also follow same. Third semester is thesis writing semester of 8 credit hours, which is 200 marks. All together M. Phil. Degree is of 40 credit hours, ie, 1000 marks.


Eligibility for Admission
Students holding a M.A. degree of Tribhuvan University with Economics. or a degree equivalent to this degree from any university recognized by Tribhuvan University (T.U.) shall be considered eligible to apply for admission to M. Phil in Economics.
An applicant seeking admission to M. Phil. in Economics must appear in an entrance examination of ninety-minute duration conducted by Central Department of Economics. Applicants who fail either to appear in the entrance examination or to obtain a minimum qualifying score will not be given admission. Admission of the students will be based strictly on the merit list and on the enrolment capacity of the Central Department of Economics

Curricular Structure

M.Phil Course

First Semester

Code No.


 Credit Hours


Advanced Microeconomics

4 Credit Hours


Applied QT

4 Credit Hours


Advanced Studies of Development Issues

4 Credit Hours



a) Public Policy Analysis

4 Credit Hours


b) Cost Benefit Analysis

4 Credit Hours

Second Semester

Code No.


 Credit Hours


Advanced Macroeconomics

4 Credit Hours


Research  Methodology

4 Credit Hours


Globalisation and Economic Reform

4 Credit Hours



a) Public Policy Analysis

4 Credit Hours


b) Projects Appraisal

4 Credit Hours


Third Semester

Code No.


Credit Hours


Thesis Writing

8 Credit Hours