Entrance Exams
Nepal has a population of about 22 million and over 50% of them are female. Among the total number of doctors in the country, those specialized in OBGYN are about 160. Most of them have certification after 1-3 years of supervised training.
The National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS) has been introduced in November 2002 by Royal Ordinance as proposed by Ministry of Health Nepal. It aims to undertake training of specialist medical professionals and also to improve the services of the existing health institutions in the country. Maternity Hospital, Thapathali and Patan Hospital have been identified as the training sites for postgraduate on Obst/Gyn.
To date, these two hospitals have already been involved in training postgraduates under Tribhuvan University in Obst/Gyn since last 9 years. In view of upcoming medical colleges and institutes there is increasing needs of specialists who have the certification after 3 years of supervised training (MD). Establishment of National Academy of Medical Sciences will support in training Doctors to acquire quality of sound judgment, initiative and creativity for leadership in this field of medicine.
Another important achievement in this regard will be academization of different institutes to improve care in the country because of their involvement in the training program. This program activity is to enhance experience, knowledge, skill and attitude in the care of women and newborns according to the agreed professional standard.
Salient Features
To provide trained specialist for the reduction of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.
To train required specialists to achieve the knowledge, skills and attitudes essential to practice in the field of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive health in accordance with international standards.
- To diagnose and manage obstetric gynaecological and neonatal problems at different levels of health care system.
- To apply the knowledge including various aspects of epidemiology to organize preventive, promotive and curative services pertaining to the reproductive health.
- To train para professionals and other junior members of the team.
- To demonstrate competence to undertake research and publish findings and keep updated on recent advances.
- To acquire knowledge and understand relevance of the National Health policy, health act and medicolegal aspects relating to reproductive health.
- To develop leadership and administrative qualities to function as effective leader of a health team engaged in reproductive health care, research and training.
- To demonstrate understanding of pathophysiology of diseases in women & new born.
- To acquire communication, basic surgical, life saving & administrative skills.
General entry criteria of National Academy of Medical Sciences for MD/MS program are applicable, which is as follows:
- Candidates should have MBBS or equivalent degree recognized by the Nepal Medical Council.
- Candidates should have minimum two years of working experience in Government, University or the similar recognized hospitals after temporary registration with Medical Council.
- Candidates should achieve minimum 50% marks in the written MCQ type entrance examination.
- For selection of the candidates, 60% of the marking would be as per the markings of the written examination, and rest 40% would be given as followings:
- Experience in remote areas as per the classification of Ministry (2 years X maximum number 10%) : 20%
- PG diplomas from recognized university in the concerned subject only (Diploma holder in one subject can not apply in other subject): 5%
- MBBS or equivalent ( >75%: 5; >60%:4; >50%:3): 5%
- I.Sc or equivalent or certificate in health sciences (>60%:5; >45%:4; <45%:3): 5%
- SLC or equivalent (>75%:5 >60%:4 >45%:3 <45%:2): 5%