Masters in Media Studies

Masters in Media Studies

2 years
Fee (Tentative)NPR 400,000

Colleges offering MMS under Kathmandu University

The Master of Media Studies (MMS) program is divided into four semesters and is planned to be completed in two years. It provides a total of 60 credit hours through a variety of classes and papers. It aspires to achieve a seamless blend of media and communication skills and knowledge. A unique combination of theory, analytical approaches, production skills, research approach, communication competence, and other qualities required of media and media support system professionals are included in the program.

Extensive use is made of classroom lectures, presentations, targeted readings, discussions, lab and field practicums, case study analyses, trips and observations, seminars, internships, and other methods. The curriculum emphasizes students' active participation and involvement in the learning process. Students in the media industry, media support services, government or non-government information organizations, development agencies, and other fields are assisted in developing their particular strengths and developing a commitment to professional and academic success.

While the first year's (two semesters) courses are required, the second year's (two semesters) courses are meant to give students the opportunity to specialize. The first-year courses are designed to help students acquire strong research and analytical skills. The second-year courses are designed to improve students' research and analytical skills, as well as to prepare them as skilled professionals in their field of specialization. The ability to specialize is ensured not only by providing a wide range of elective courses to choose from, but also by allowing students to perform media production/media projects, internships, and dissertations in the specialized field of their choice.


The master in Media Studies (MMS) program aims to provide its students with

  • a thorough understanding of principles and ideas, as well as hands-on experience in the field
  • a critical understanding of media and advanced analytical skills
  • an ability for media production in the field of specialization
  • a willingness to conduct the study in the fields of media and communication, as well as the social sciences in general
  • solid understanding of how to create and implement communication strategy and advertising campaigns
  • a preparedness for a leadership role in the media industry
  • a strong foundation for further academic endeavors such as M.Phil or PhD or any research degree in liberal arts and social sciences.

Durations and Credit hours

Master of Media Studies (MMS) is of a two-year duration that is divided into four semesters. During the four semesters, each student has to study as many as 60 cr hrs. A three-credit-hour course requires 48 contact hours.

Number of students per intake: 20

Evaluation Scheme

There will be in-semester and end-of-semester assessments, with the exception of "Practicum" classes (50 percent each). For "Practicum" courses, only in-semester exams are employed. The KU standard examination process will be followed for end-of-semester evaluations. In-semester evaluation will be based on attendance, participation, presentation, class test or lab assignment, mid-term exam, term paper or small-scale production, take-home exam or demo, viva voce, and other well-defined indications.

The ultimate outcome of Media Production/Media Project and Thesis will be assessed based on in-semester supervision by designated supervisors and presentation by the student in accordance with the department's criteria. The intern's work log, the host institution's appraisal, and the student's presentation will all be used to evaluate the internship.

Salient Features

The curriculum is designed to fulfill the human resource demands of academia, the media industry, and media support systems, as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations, in today's multicultural, glocal, and technocentric world. The dynamic curricular system at KU allows for greater opportunities to establish need-based programs.

Practice-based and skills-oriented
Practice-based learning and the translation of information into skills are heavily emphasized in the courses available. Students may choose to concentrate in media production in today's rapidly changing media environment. In addition, the program offers several practical opportunities that include the application of cutting-edge technology and processes.

Strong foundation of theory and analytical techniques
The goal of the curriculum is to cover a broad range of communication concepts, principles, theories, and analytical techniques, as well as other fields of knowledge, and to apply them in a variety of situations.

Substantial emphasis on research application
Almost all of the Master of Media Studies courses, in addition to specific courses in quantitative and qualitative research, is designed to provide students with greater chances for research-oriented projects and research applications.

Multicultural, multidisciplinary, and context-sensitive approach
A multicultural, multidisciplinary, and context-sensitive approach is employed to develop students' ability to accurately assess their own emotional and physiological state and react appropriately to varied life experiences.

Focus on developing individual competence and efficacious group dynamics
Students' individual competency is emphasized in the curriculum through the instillation of information, skills, and moral principles, and there are various group activities that allow them to practice skills needed in group settings both online and off.

Wide career options and high employability
After completing the Master of Media Studies at KU, students will have a wide range of job opportunities and high employability due to the good blend of theory, analytical methodologies, research, hands-on approach to technology, production abilities, and communication competence. Implementing need-based courses is intended to broaden the breadth of employability.

Conducive learning environment
The program will be run with high-quality human resources from inside and outside the university. The media lab and other program-related facilities will be provided by the university on its own, as well as in conjunction with the media industry, media support systems, and other stakeholders.

Internationally comparable
After a thorough evaluation of master's degrees in the topic at numerous universities throughout the world, the Master of Media Studies at KU was born. Various KU and non-KU seminars have discussed the proposed curriculum. The comments and thoughts of the international academic community have also been incorporated in order to ensure "international standard." Students will graduate with the skills and knowledge needed to work in an international environment.

Grading System

Master of Media Studies program follows the standard KUSOA grading system. Grades for students shall be reported by the following letters: A, A-, B, B+, B-, C+, C, C-, D, or F.

The grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, and F indicate graduation in quality from Excellent to Failure and are assigned the following grade-point equivalents:

Marks Grade Grade Points
85 and Above A 4.00
80 – 84.9 A- 3.70
75 – 79.9 B+ 3.33
70 – 74.9 B 3.00
65 – 69.9 B- 2.67
60 – 64.9 C+ 2.33
55 – 59.9 C 2.00
50 – 54.9 C- 1.67
45 – 49.9 D 1.00
< 45 F Fail

CGPA requirement for graduation

The student must maintain an aggregate CGPA of 3.00 or above after completing the required 60 credit hours. If the aggregate CGPA is less than 3.00, the student will have to repeat certain courses until he/she maintains the required CGPA.


  • Individual students will be awarded a degree of MASTER OF MEDIA STUDIES after successful completion of all of the 60 credit hour courses as per the KU rule.
  • For the students who would prefer just to complete 30 credit hours from the first year (two semesters) and earn a degree, they will be awarded a degree of Postgraduate Diploma In Media Studies.


Applicants must hold a Bachelor's degree or equivalent from a recognized institution in any discipline with a minimum aggregate of 50% or 2.5 CGPA. It will also be critical to achieving a satisfactory score on the entrance exam, which will assess required competencies such as language proficiency and analytical ability. Only those who pass the written exam will be invited to an interview, after which the final decision will be made.

A Bachelor's or equivalent degree in any discipline from a recognized school with a minimum aggregate of 45 percent or 2 CGPA will be considered for mid-career journalists and other media professionals with more than 10 years of work experience in the media sector.


The total fee for Nepali students enrolled in Masters in Media Studies program for the academic year 2079/80 (2022 Batch) is NPR. 400,000.

The fee structure for international students seeking admission to Masters in Media Studies program at Kathmandu University (KU) is as follows:

  1. The fees for applicants from SAARC countries will be 1.5 times the amount specified for domestic students i.e., NPR.600,000
  2. On the other hand, international students from countries outside of SAARC will be required to pay double the fees stated for domestic students i.e., NPR. 800,000

Job Prospects

  • pursue a career in journalism or a related field such as managing editors, radio station managers, television producers, or scenarists.
  • pursue career in research agencies, advertising agencies, PR companies
  • pursue a career in government or non-government organizations
  • work as a media consultant, media planner, communication strategist, social media manager, content manager, arts administrator, media monitor, researcher, and so on as a staffer or freelancer.
  • to work as independent media entrepreneurs
  • to pursue higher education and academic endeavors

Curricular Structure

First Semester

Course Title Credit
Communication and Media Theories 3
Media Literacy 3
Social Sciences for Media 3
Media and Globalization 3
Research Methodology I

(Statistics, Quantitative methods)

Total Credits 15

Second Semester

Course Title Credit
Communication Traditions in Nepal and Asia 3
Media, Identity and Diversity 3
Media, Technology and Culture 3
Global Media and International Communication 3
Research Methodology II

(Qualitative methods)

Total Credits 15

Third Semester

Course Title Credit
Media Management 3
Media Policy, Law and Ethics 3
Elective I 3
Elective II 3
Elective III 3
Total Credits 15
Advanced Journalism I
Broadcast Journalism
Mobile Journalism (Practicum)
Film Studies
Promotional Communication
Media and Development
Advanced Media Analysis Techniques
Media System in Nepal
Advanced Journalism II (Practicum)
Radio Station Management
Media Convergence and Content Management
Screenwriting (Practicum)
Advertising Management
Development Communication in the Digital Era
Philosophy and Communication
Nepali Society, Culture and Communication
Media Entrepreneurship
Photography and Visual Culture (Practicum)
Advanced Media Writing (Practicum)
Advanced Television Broadcasting (Practicum)
New Media and Social Change
Performance Techniques (Practicum)
Public Relations Principles and Strategies
Media Activism
Media and Gender
Alternative Media Practices
Media and International Affairs
Media and Political Communication

Fourth Semester

Course Title Credit
Advanced Media Research 3
Media Production/ Media Project 3
Internship 3
Dissertation 6