Colleges offering MECON under Kathmandu University
The Masters in Economics (MECON) program spans two years, offering a diverse curriculum in economic theory. Its objective is to equip graduates with practical quantitative research skills and tools applicable to the analysis of various socio-economic challenges worldwide, with a specific focus on prevalent issues within the Nepali context.
The curriculum encompasses core courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics to provide a robust understanding of economic theories. Additionally, the program places significant emphasis on subjects like public economics, political economy, and development economics. Elective courses cover a wide array of topics, ranging from environmental economics to industrial organization.
Salient Features
Learning Outcomes of MECON
- To help students understand the working of the market economy and determination of market outcomes in different structures.
- To help students understand when markets work and when they do not while familiarizing them with the concepts of efficiency in resource allocation.
- To impart game theoretic tools to the students to help them analyze strategic situations that are applicable to most instances of everyday life.
- To help students the art and science of applied economic research aimed to establish a causal relationship between variables.
- To help students understand and model macroeconomic fluctuations and long run growth patterns of economies.
- To help students understand and calibrate fiscal and monetary policy tools to achieve macroeconomic goals such as higher economic growth and targeted inflation rates
Graduate Attributes of MECON
- Sound understanding of economic theories and decision making at all levels.
- Decision making in strategic settings when one’s outcomes depend not only on the actions they take but also on those taken by others.
- Strong quantitative skills for causal research amenable to economic analysis
- Strong computational skills for applied economic research both for industry as well as the public sector
- Strong critical analytical skills
Fee Structure for MECON
- Total Fee: NRs. 4,00,000
- Foreign Students: NRs. 8,00,000
Evaluation System for MECON
- Assessment System: In-semester and end-semester examinations, classwork and homework assignments, project and field works and presentations, publication quality term papers when applicable; publications.
- Approach: Lectures, seminars, problem solving, research, publication, real life problem solving, computation, lab work.
- Class Sessions: Except dissertation and independent studies, all courses are of three credit hours. 16 hours student-faculty contact hours per credit. Three hours per week with the exception of intensive courses (2-3 weeks courses), field and laboratory sessions.
- Evaluation Scheme: Letter grading system. At the end of each semester, students are awarded letter grades which are based on grades and scores obtained in various segments of the evaluation of the courses. Final evaluation of the course is carried out on a four point grading system as mentioned in the attached program proposal.
Completion of 4 year Bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree with cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2 out of 4 or an equivalent of 45 percent marks in the latest degree acquired in a recognized institute. Selected applicants have to pass an entrance test and interview. Strong quantitative background will be given a priority in the selection process.
Admission Criteria
The candidates must meet eligibility criteria and must also successfully complete the written test and the interview conducted by the Program/Department.
Job Prospects
- PhD programs at KUSOA and elsewhere
- Economists at central banks, commercial banks and other financial institutions
- Data analyst at various manufacturing industries and service sectors
- Consultant at the ministry of finance, commerce and trade at provincial and federal level.
- Economic advisors for the federal as well as subnational governments
- Quantitative researcher at multilateral organizations such as the World bank, Asian Development Bank, UN organizations, IMF etc.
- As program designers at NGOs and INGOs.
- Freelancing is rapidly growing in the post COVID-19 world
- Economics instructors/professors in (mainly management) colleges and schools