Colleges offering MSc Physics under Mid-West University
Mid-Western University (MWU) is an autonomous and public institution of higher learning with the mission to serve the people of Nepal and enrich the global learning community by extending the advantages of higher education. MWU has been offering Bachelor’s degrees in physics since 2012. Physics is the most fundamental subject that explains how and why things work and intersects with all scientific areas of reseaToer to fulfill the need of students seeking a graduate program in physics of the highest academic standards and to produce human resources required for the creation and dissemination of knowledge through teaching and research MWU announces a Master’s degree in physics.
- To offer a Master’s degree in physics with the highest academic standards
- To produce students with knowledgthe e of frontiers of physics
- To produce physics graduates capable of disseminating knowledge through teaching and research leading to meaningful enhancement of the society
Salient Features
Dissertation Guidelines
A student can do dissertation work only if a faculty (approved by the University as qualified for supervision) agrees to supervise the student for his/her dissertation work. A student who opts for the dissertation, should prepare a proposal and defend it during the IIIrd Semester. The final examination will be held within 3 months after the final examination of the IVth Semester in presence of the Supervisor, an internal examiner, an external examiner, and the head of the evaluation committee (Head of the Subject Committee). The format for the final writing will be provided.
Evaluation of a student’s performance will be based onis of the in-semester (internal) evaluation and end-semester (final) evaluation. The weightage will be 50% each for the semester and end-semester evaluation in the following mode of evaluation.
In-semester evaluation (50% weightage): The in-semester evaluation of any course will be administered by the faculty responsible for the course, based on the performance of students in the indicators: Class Attendance and performance, Assignments / Homework, Term Tests, and Seminars. Concerned Faculty will decide and is supposed to announce the exact weightage division and basis/mode of evaluation at the beginning of the Semester. Students must pass each course at each semester separately before appearing in the end-semester examination.
End-semester evaluation (50% weightage): The end-semester examination will be administered by the Controller of Examination of MWU. For theoretical courses, the duration of the final examination will be at least 2 hours for 3 Credit courses. For Lab oriented courses the duration of the final examination will be 6 hours. Students have to pass each course at each semester separately in the end-semester evaluation.
Students failing in 2 or fewer subjects at any semester will have to appear in the make-up exam before continuing the next semester.
Grading system: Total marks (obtained in in-semester plus obtained in end-semester examinations) secured will be graded on a four-point scale as follows:
Marks secured (%) | Grade | Grade point | Remarks |
85 - 100 | A | 4.0 | Outstanding |
80 - 84 | A- | 3.67 | Distinction |
75 - 79 | B | 3.33 | Excellent |
70-74 | B- | 3.00 | Very good |
65-69 | C | 2.50 | Good |
60-64 | C- | 2 | Average |
55-59 | D | 1.50 | Satisfactory |
50-54 | D- | 1.00 | Fair |
<50 | F |
Failure |
M.Sc. in Physics course is intended for students who have completed a Bachelor’s degree in physics securing a minimum 2.00 CGPA (or 50%) that is recognized by MWU. The candidates will be selected after an entrance examination conducted by the Faculty of Science and Technology of MWU.
Curricular Structure
Course structure: The course duration will be 2 years and offered in a total of 4 semesters. Students must complete 75 credit courses (Compulsory 59 credits, Electives 16 credits) Theoretical 44 credits and Lab/Research oriented 31 credit courses. 1 credit course in theoretical subjects implies 1 hour of class activity throughout a semester that runs for a minimum duration of 15 weeks. For lab work 1 credit implies 3 hours of experimental activity throughout the semester. The semester-wise course division is shown below:
Semester I
- Mathematical Physics-I (3)
- Phy 512 Classical Mechanics (3)
- Phy 513 Quantum Mechanics-I (3)
- Phy 514 Electronics (3)
- Phy 515a General Physics Lab (3) Phy515b Electronics Lab (3) 18
Total Credit: 18
Semester II
- Phy 551 Mathematical Physics-II (3)
- Phy 552 Quantum Mechanics-II (3)
- Phy 553 Statistical Mechanics (3)
- Phy 554 Electrodynamics-I (3)
- Phy 555a General Physics Lab (3) Phy555b Electronics Lab (3)
Total Credit: 18
Semester III
- Phy 611 Solid State Physics (3)
- Phy 612 Quantum Field Theory (3)
- Phy 61x* Elective-AI (4) Phy 61y* Elective-BI (4)
- Phy 613a Research Methodology (3) Phy 613b Advanced Research Methodology (2)
Total credit: 19
Semester IV
- IV Phy 651 Nuclear and Particle Physics (3)
- Phy 652 Electrodynamic s-II (3)
- Phy 65x* Elective-AII (4)
- Phy 65y* Elective-BII (4)
- Phy 653a Basics of Computational Physics (3) Phy 653a Advanced Computational Physics (3)
Total credit: 20
*Elective courses are offered based on the need and availability of Faculties/Facilities from the following pool of subjects and the dissertation. Students are required to confirm their selection at the beginning of the III Semester and the criterion of allocation dissertation will be decided by the respective department.
Elective Courses
- Phy 614 & Phy 654 Astrophysics I & II
- Phy 617 & Phy 657 Condensed Matter Physics I & II
- Phy 615 & Phy 655 Material Science I & II
- Phy 618 & Phy 658 Nanophysics I & II
- Phy 616 & Phy 656 Plasma Physics I & II
- Phy 699 Dissertation*