PhD in Economics

PhD in Economics

5 years

Colleges offering PhD in Economics under Tribhuvan University

Central Department of Economics, Tribhuvan University (CEDECON) offers Ph. D. programme with the initiation of Dean’s Office, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, TU. 

The prospective students can follow two ways for enrollment in Ph.D program.


Candidate with at least second division in Master’s degree in economics is eligible to apply for Ph.D programme. 

M. Phil degree in Economics are eligible to apply for Ph. D. Program subject to the approval of Research Committee, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, TU.

Research scholars have to submit their thesis within seven years including two years grace period from the date of first registration.

Admission Criteria

Course Based Ph.D:  Following submission of form to upon call for applications from Dean's office  to Ph.D program, the prospective student need to appear entrance examination. After passing entrance examination, students can enrol to Ph. D program. 

Students will then have to take core courses and research methods in Economics during their first two semester. Students are expected to develop a preliminary proposal during their second semester. Students are expected to prepare reading list and finalize their proposal in third semester. After successful defense of their proposal, students will start working on their dissertation. The subsequent time for completion for dissertation will depend upon students progress.

M Phil leading to Ph.D: Students having M Phil degree will be waved from taking core courses and research methods in Economics. They can directly submit the proposal to Dean office and upon successful defense of proposal, then they can start working on their Ph.D dissertation.