Diploma in International Financial Reporting Standards

Diploma in International Financial Reporting Standards

DipIFR ·
Chartered Accountancy (CA)
6 months

The Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR) offers a swift and effective solution for individuals aspiring to excel in the field of finance, catering to the needs of burgeoning finance professionals while enhancing their understanding of the domain.

Mandated in over 100 countries globally, DipIFR plays a pivotal role in shaping the expertise of professionals in the financial sector. Particularly, within the European Union (EU), listed companies are obliged to prepare consolidated company accounts in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), thereby influencing the reporting standards of associated entities.

Moreover, jurisdictions like Australia, Hong Kong, and South Africa have already integrated IFRS or its equivalents into their local Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), underscoring the widespread adoption of IFRS principles. This trend extends globally, with countries like Nepal transitioning towards the implementation of IFRS, thereby significantly impacting financial reporting practices.

DipIFR training sessions are periodically conducted to equip participants with an in-depth understanding of IFRS and its ramifications. Developed by ACCA, DipIFR replaces conventional GAAP concepts, serving as an international benchmark in IFRS qualifications. The program is tailored for financial professionals seeking to master key IFRS rules and principles, encompassing aspects such as recognition, presentation, measurement, and disclosure within Financial Statements.

Through practical applications, participants learn to prepare Financial Statements aligned with IFRS standards, thereby enhancing their practical skills in financial reporting. With IFRS mandated in numerous jurisdictions and an escalating global demand, the significance of DipIFR certification remains paramount. Notably, Nepal is also transitioning towards the implementation of Nepal Financial Reporting Standards (NFRS), with various financial institutions aligning with the global trend of International Accounting Standards (IAS)/IFRS.

Salient Features

  • Comprehensive coverage of IFRS.
  • A recognized diploma shall be issued by ACCA, in more than 175 countries.
  • The course shall be executed by an ACCA member, covering the extensive syllabus, practice session, mock exams, and tests.
  • Upon successful completion of the examination Diploma in International Financial Reporting shall be awarded by ACCA.


Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors, whether employed or practicing, who are qualified under National Accounting Standards, are eligible to pursue the Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR).

For those who are not Chartered, eligibility to sit for the exam requires meeting specific criteria:

  1. Possession of a Bachelor's degree in Accounting (with exemptions in knowledge papers of ACCA)
  2. Holding an ACCA certificate in International Financial Reporting along with a minimum of two years of relevant accounting experience.
  3. Accumulating three years of relevant accounting experience.
  4. Being a qualified ACCA member.

Course Objectives

The curriculum is structured to enhance comprehension and expertise in International Financial Reporting Standards, with a focus on applying their principles and concepts. Upon finishing the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Utilize the IASB’s Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting.
  2. Implement standards and their components within financial reporting.
  3. Recognize and incorporate necessary disclosures in company financial notes and reports.
  4. Compile group financial statements for subsidiaries, joint ventures, and associates.

Admission Criteria


Examinations are held biannually, offering students the option to enroll in either the January or June session and sit for the exams in either June or December.

The duration of the examination is three hours and fifteen minutes, with a passing grade set at 50 percent.

Curricular Structure

  1. The nature of IASB
  2. The structure of IFRSF & its framework
  3. The enlarging standards of IASB
  4. The usage and status of IFRS
  5. The IASB roadmap, volume, and its use.
  6. The use of IFRS around the world.
  7. Policies & presentation
  8. IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements.
  9. IAS 8, Accounting policies; changes in accounting estimates and errors.
  10. IFRS 15, Revenue from Contracts with the customer.
  11. Accounting of Assets & Liabilities (Part-1)
  12. IAS 10, Events after the reporting period
  13. IAS 12, Income tax
  14. IAS 19, Employees benefit
  15. IAS 37, Provisions, contingent liabilities & assets
  16. IAS 41, Agriculture
  17. IFRS 2, Share-based payment
  18. IFRS 6, Exploration for evaluation of mineral resources
  19. IFRS 7, Financial instruments disclosures
  20. IFRS 9, Financial instruments
  21. IFRS 13, Fair Value Measurement
  22. IFRS 32, Financial instruments-presentation
  23. Accounting of Assets & Liabilities (Part-2)
  24. IAS 2, Inventories
  25. IAS 16, Property plant and equipment
  26. IAS 20, Accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance
  27. IAS 23, Borrowing costs
  28. IAS 36, Impairment of assets
  29. IAS 38, Intangible assets
  30. IAS 40, Investment Property
  31. IFRS 5, Non- current assets held for sale and discontinued operations.
  32. IFRS 16, Leases
  33. Group Accounting
  34. IAS 21, The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates
  35. IAS 27, Separate financial statements
  36. IAS 28, Investment in associates and joint ventures
  37. IAS 29, Financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies
  38. IFRS 3, Business combination
  39. IFRS 10, Consolidated Financial Statements
  40. IFRS 11, Joint arrangements
  41. IFRS 12, Disclosure of interests of other entities
  42. Disclosure Standards
  43. IAS 7, Statement of Cashflows
  44. IAS 24, Related party disclosures
  45. IAS 33, Earnings per share
  46. IAS 34, Interim financial reporting
  47. IFRS 1, First-time adoption of IFRS
  48. IFRS 4, Insurance contracts
  49. IFRS 8, Operating segments