Diploma in Electronics Engineering

Diploma in Electronics Engineering


Colleges offering Diploma in Electronics Engineering under CTEVT

This course is based on the job required to perform by an electronics technician at different related industries and organizations in Nepal. The diploma in electronics engineering program extends over three years. Each year is divided into two semesters. There are six semesters within the period of three years. This curriculum includes the core subjects like physics, chemistry, and mathematics applicable in the field of engineering. It also includes Nepali and English subjects for communication. The course structure and the subject-wise contents reflect the details of the curriculum. In short, the aim of this curriculum is to produce a competent and highly employable middle-level technical workforce in the field of electronics engineering. The contents of individual subjects prescribed in the curriculum are incorporated in the light of the " must to know and must to do" principle.


  • SLC or equivalent with English, Science, and Mathematics or related TSLC.
  • Should pass the entrance examination.
  • Physically fit for the program.

Job Prospects

The graduates will be eligible for the position equivalent to non-gazetted 1st class (technical) as electronics technician or as prescribed by the public service commission of Nepal. The graduate will be eligible for registration with the related council in the grade as mentioned in the related council act (if any).

Curricular Structure

The three-year Diploma Course of Electronics Engineering incorporates the following subjects.

First Semester
Course Code Course Title
EG 1101SH Communication Nepali
EG1102SH Communication English
EG1103SH Engineering Mathematics I
EG1104SH Engineering Physics I
EG1105SH Engineering Chemistry I
EG1106ME Engineering Drawing I
EG1112ME Workshop Technology I
EG1108EE Electrical Engineering I
Second Semester
Course Code Course Title
EG 1201 SH Engineering Mathematics II
EG 1202 SH Engineering Physics II
EG 1203 SH Engineering Chemistry II
EG 1204 ME Engineering Drawing II
EG 1205 ME Workshop Technology II
EG 1206 EE Electrical Engineering II
EG 1207 CT Introduction to Computers
EG 1208 EX Electronic Devices and Circuits I
Third Semester
Course Code Course Title
EG 2102 EX Electronic Devices and Circuits II
EG 2103 EX Electronics Drawing
EG 2104 SH Engineering Mathematics III
EG 2104 EX Digital Electronics I
EG 2107 CT Computer Programming and Applications
EG 2107 EE Electrical Installation
EG 2108 EE Network Filters and Transmission Lines
EG 2109 EX Electronic Components and Materials
Fourth Semester
Course Code Course Title
EG 2201 EX Principle of Communication Engineering
EG 2203 EX Introduction to Microprocessors
EG 2204 EX Electronic Instruments and Measurement
EG 2206 EX Digital Electronics II
EG 2207 EX Industrial Electronics
EG 2209 EX Instrumentation and PLC
EG 2210 EX Electronic Fabrication Techniques
Fifth Semester
Course Code Course Title
EG 3101 EX Communication System
EG 3102 EX Microwave and Radar Engineering
EG 3103 EX Troubleshooting and Maintenance of Electronic Equipment
EG 3101 CT Computer Network
EG 3108 EX Consumer Electronics
EG 3101 MG Principle of Management and Costing
Sixth Semester
Course Code Course Title
EG 3202 EX Advanced Communication System
EG 3203 EX Elective I
EG 3204 EX Elective II
EG 3205 EX Major Project
EG 3206 EX Medical Electronics
EG 3201 MG Entrepreneurship Development

List of Electives:

Elective I
Course Code Course Title
----- Microcontroller and Applications
----- Optical Fibre Communication
----- Imaging Technology and Equipment
----- Control System
----- Renewable Energy Technology
Elective II
Course Code Course Title
----- VLSI Design
----- Computer Organization and Architecture
----- Biomedical Instrumentation
----- Wireless and Mobile Communication