BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting

BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting

3 years
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Colleges offering B.Sc (Hons) under ​Oxford Brookes University

ACCA and Oxford Brookes University (OBU) have worked together to develop a BSc in Applied Accounting, which is available exclusively to ACCA students who wish to obtain a degree while studying towards the ACCA qualification. BSc degree and ACCA professional qualification are a powerful combination of qualifications that put you in demand with employers and improve your career prospects. 

OBU’s BSc degree in Applied Accounting is a highly regarded qualification, which is based on practical, professional, employer driven accounting requirements. It enables you to prove that not only have you mastered the knowledge required for the degree, but that you have the key skills required by graduate employers.

This valuable initiative enables students to sit for an Oxford Brookes BSc Honours degree in Applied Accounting while taking their ACCA examinations.

The Oxford Brookes BSc (Hons) Degree in Applied Accounting is a highly regarded qualification, which is based on practical, professional, employer–driven Accounting requirements. It enables students to prove that not only have they mastered the knowledge required for the degree, but that they have the key skills required by graduate employers.


ACCA Skills Level Completed. Students should have met the English language requirement before they have passed FR,AA and FM papers.