B Ed in TCSOL with a minor in TESOL

B Ed in TCSOL with a minor in TESOL

4 years

Kathmandu University launched an undergraduate program; BED in Teaching Chinese to the Speaker of Other Languages (TCSOL) with TESOL minor from 2024. 

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Colleges offering B Ed in TCSOL with a minor in TESOL under Kathmandu University

Chinese and English have been recognized as international languages by the United Nations and are widely spoken globally. The growing influence of the Chinese language mirrors China's significant role in global economics, infrastructure development, and scientific innovation. Consequently, a burgeoning demand for Chinese language learners in national and international markets is driven by expanding Chinese investment. 

Recognizing the importance of Chinese language proficiency in Nepal, Kathmandu University School of Education (KUSOED) has introduced a four-year Bachelor of Education (BED) program in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) with a minor in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).

This innovative program is designed to produce qualified local Chinese language teachers. It is supported by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC), which offers full scholarships to 20 eligible Nepalese students annually to study at Hebei University of Economics and Business (HUEB). Additionally, Kathmandu University provides full scholarships to 10 international students, covering tuition fees and offering suitable accommodation, ensuring a diverse and inclusive learning environment.


  • A minimum D+ grade in each grade 12 subject, with a minimum CGPA of 1.8 Or A minimum score of second division marks in 10+2, PCL, or equivalent in any disciplines.

Curricular Structure

Outline of the Curriculum

Categories of Courses Credits
Core 18
TCSOL (Major) 48
Professional (Major) 42
TESOL (Minor) 21
Total 129

First Year First Semester

SN Course Title Credit Hours
1 EDTC101 Intensive Basic Chinese I 初级汉语综合 1 3
2 EDTC102 Communicating in Chinese I 汉语听说 -1 3
3 EDTC103 Introduction to Chinese Character 汉字基础 3
4 ENGT100 General English 通用英语 3
5 EDTE106 Intensive Basic/Intermediate English 初级/中级英语 3

First Year Second Semester

SN Course Title Credit Hours
1 EDTC104 Intensive Basic Chinese II 初级汉语综合 2 3
2 EDTC105 Communicating in Chinese II 汉语听说-2 3
3 EDTC106 Readings in Chinese Basic 初级汉语阅读 3
NEPL200 General Nepali 通用尼泊尔语 3
5 EDTE105 Study Skills/Learning Styles 学习策略/学习风格 3
6 EDTE102 Introduction to linguistics 语言学入门 3

Second Year First Semester

SN Course Title Credit Hours
1 EDTC201 Intensive Intermediate Chinese I 3
2 EDTC202 Communication Skills in English 英语口语沟通技巧 3
3 EDTC203 Readings in Chinese Intermediate 中级汉语阅读 3
4 EDTC204 Intermediate Chinese Writing 中级汉语写作 3
5 EDUC300 Curriculum Development 课程开发 3
6 EDUC200 Educational Psychology 教育心理学 3

Second Year Second Semester

SN Course Title Credit Hours
1 EDTC205 Intensive Intermediate Chinese II 中级汉语综合 2 3
2 EDTC206 Communicating in Chinese III 汉语听说 3 3
3 EDTC207 Intermediate Chinese Reading and Writing 中级汉语读写 3
4 EDUC301 Measurement and Evaluation 测量与评估 3
5 EDTE206 Advanced English Grammar Skills 高级英语语法 3
6 EDTE207 Intensive Advanced English 高级英语综合课 3
7 EDUC100 The Teaching Profession 教师职业教育 3

Third Year First Semester

SN Course Title Credit Hours
1 EDTC301 An Introduction to China 中国国家概括 3
2 EDTC302 Intensive Advanced Chinese 高级汉语综合 3
3 EDTC303 Communicating in Chinese IV 汉语听说 4 3
4 EDTC304 Readings in Chinese Advance 高级汉语阅读 3
5 EDTC305 Theory and Practice of International Chinese Language Education 国际汉语教学理论与实践 3
6 EDTC306 Methodology of International Chinese Lexics and Grammar 国际汉语词汇语法教学法 3

Third Year Second Semester

SN Course Title Credit Hours
1 EDTC307 Chinese Phonology, Morphology and Syntax 国际语音汉字教学法 3
2 EDTC308 Foundation of Modern Chinese 现代汉语基础 3
3 EDTC309 Planning in Chinese Language Teaching 汉语教学设计 3
4 EDTC310 Computer-Aided Language Teaching 计算机辅助汉语教学 3
5 EDTC311 Materials Development for Chinese Language Teaching 汉语教学资源开发 3
6 EDTC312 Teaching Reading and Writing 高级汉语读写 3

Fourth Year First Semester

SN Course Title Credit Hours
1 EDTC401 Translation 现代汉语翻译 3
2 EDTC402 Writing Chinese Language Tests 写作语言测试 3
3 EDTC403 Instructional/Syllabus Design for Chinese Language Teaching 国际汉语教学大纲设计 3
4 EDTC404 Teaching Chinese to Young Learners 青少年汉语教学 3
5 EDTE362 Micro Teaching (non-credit) 微格教学法(无学分) 3

Fourth Year Second Semester

SN Course Title Credit Hours
1 EDTE451 Independent Study (TESOL) 自主学习(英语教育专业) 3
2 EDUC441 Teaching Internship 汉语教学实习 3
3 EDUC442 Academic Writing and Research Workshop 论文撰写和研究 3