Innovative SS College

Innovative SS College

Naya Thimi - 4, Madhyapur Thimi, Bhaktapur


Innovative Sun Shine College (S.S College) is a private college situated in Madhyapur Thimi-14, Bhaktapur. The college offers BBS and BSW programs. 

 Established by a group of visionary educationists (Managed and Run by Innovative Educational World) in 2063 B.S. SS College has become a unique and innovative educational institute within the short span of time. 

The prime concern of SS is to impart decent quality education. With skilled, professional and passionate guidance and management, it has been moving forward to foster students' hidden talents and potentiality with due understanding and vision to face the challenges of the twenty first century. Thus, it has been a platform for young and energetic knowledge seekers who want to create career according to their interests and attitudes. 

SS College has been providing its best educational service to the society at the affordable cost. It has the academic realm to suit educational dynamism that demands active participation in order to ensure better future of students through academic programs in newer dimensions. 


A mission to academic excellence and beyond...


To impart quality and comprehensive education through innovative instructional approaches.


To impart decent quality education 

To adopt and apply innovative instructional approaches, methods and techniques

To develop competence through natural exposure

To promote self-discipline with the sense of accountability and responsibility 

To incite the students to serve the society above the self.   


Thames International College
Thames International College
  • Surya Bikram Gyawali Marg, Old Baneshwor, Kathmandu
People's Campus
People's Campus
  • Paknajol, Kathmandu
Global College of Management
Global College of Management
  • Mid-Baneshwor, Kathmandu
Janamaitri Multiple Campus
Janamaitri Multiple Campus
  • Kuleshwor, Kathmandu
New Summit College
New Summit College
  • Shantinagar Gate, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu


Sunshine (SS) Secondary School
Sunshine (SS) Secondary School
  • Naya Thimi, Madhyapur Thimi, Bhaktapur