The Bachelor program in Architecture, leading to B.Arch. (Bachelor of Architecture) degree is a five years course that aims to provide systematic knowledge and skills in planning, design and conservation of buildings and other built forms with concerns for aesthetics, comfort, durability, social responsiveness and integration with natural and manmade landscapes. The area of instruction covers a spectrum of courses relating to architectural design and planning, structural design, landscape management, interior design and conservation and restoration of historical monuments and urban spaces and built forms.
The program has been designed to meet international standards in Architecture education, preparing the students to become competent professionals for work in Nepal and abroad. The students have the opportunity to gain competence in both hand-drawing and computer graphics to enable them to excel in the competitive professional environment. A full semester apprentice in an architect's office helps preparing them to take professional challenges before graduation. The final semester is dedicated to a project work wherein students are expected to accomplish, independently, architectural design, involving research and analysis.