Kaustuv College

Kaustuv College

Purano Sinamangal, Pepsicola, Kageshwari Manohara, Kathmandu


The education system of today is not confined merely within the textbooks but rather it is to be in the phenomena of overall advancement and prosperity of life. Kaustuv Academy is the centre of such of concept of education. This academy has determined to produce the skilled, capable, and successful, bonafide human resources by the application of new technology of teaching learning process and make students to complete in the international competitive markets and to establish themselves the best ones.


People's Campus
People's Campus
  • Paknajol, Kathmandu
Global College of Management
Global College of Management
  • Mid-Baneshwor, Kathmandu
Janamaitri Multiple Campus
Janamaitri Multiple Campus
  • Kuleshwor, Kathmandu
New Summit College
New Summit College
  • Shantinagar Gate, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu
Prime College
Prime College
  • Naya Bazar, Khusibu, Kathmandu


Kaustuv Academy
Kaustuv Academy
  • Purano Sinamangal, Pepsicola, Kageshwari Manohara, Kathmandu