Have you ever wondered who came up with the look for those great jeans ads or that cool CD jacket? Behind every advertisement, magazine cover, video, or website is a big-picture person: the art director.
If you’d rather call the shots than carry them out, art directing just might be your thing -- as long as you’re ready to be a fountain of new ideas.
Art directors come up with the visual concepts for everything from billboard advertisements to magazine layouts to videos and websites. Not all work in advertising; some create the look of editorial publications, such as newspapers.
“You get to see the fruits of your labor -- from a print ad that shows up in Sports Illustrated to a TV spot that airs during the Super Bowl.” John, Brand Manager, Advertising
A big-picture people person who thrives on the challenge of coming up with a continuous stream of fresh, new ideas. If you’re organized, creative, and bold enough to take risks, this could be the career for you.
Management skills come in handy in art directing, where bringing your vision to life often means coordinating the hands-on work of graphic designers, photographers, and others.