Conservation Scientists

Last updated December 31, 2014

How do you manage a ranch so that it supports the most cattle while maintaining the land so wildlife can live there? Solving this type of issue is the job of a range manager. A soil conservationist, on the other hand, might figure out how to restore farmland where the soil has been worn away. A water conservationist may look at how to assure a clean water supply for a growing town.

All of these scientists make complex decisions to come up with plans that balance economic goals with environmental impact -- and meet government regulations. They are responsible for the implementation of anti-poaching and illegal wildlife related works. 

Conservation scientists manage natural resources, such as rangeland and water. They develop programs that both make resources productive and protect them.

Did You Know?

Schools rarely offer soil conservation as a major, but you can learn the trade in such programs as agricultural science or environmental studies.

Are You Ready To...?

  • Work outdoors
  • Spend time in the office or lab as you advance in your career
  • Record the types of soils, plants, and animals in an area
  • Restore damaged natural areas
  • Prepare reports on the environmental impact of an activity such as logging

It Helps To Be...

A nature lover in good physical shape who enjoys working outdoors. You need to be a problem solver who likes coming up with original solutions to issues. You should enjoy the sciences and math. You must be able to both work independently and communicate with many types of people.

Make High School Count

  • Get a good grounding in the life sciences, such as biology and ecology, and the physical sciences, such as statistics.
  • You should also explore courses in such social sciences as economics and government.
  • Get experience working with computers.

Did You Know?

Having a specialty in the field, such as watershed management or agricultural economics, may make you more marketable.


  1. A Bachelors degree in Forestry, environmental science or related fields with a sound knowledge of Protected Areas System, Species Conservation, Wildlife Crime. 
  2. Should have a strong knowledge of species issue especially conservation and protection of species as well as wildlife crime. 
  3. It is essential that the individual is technically proficient and qualified in the conservation and crime control field.