A World Created by Engineers; The Future of Electronics Engineering

Prashant Raj Karki

August 23, 2019
Last updated July 15, 2021
Teaching Reinvented

Let’s imagine the world that we will be living a few decades from now. The day starts with you waking up not with an alarm clock but with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the morning light entering your room as curtains open automatically, a gentle massage given by your high-tech bed, and a soft music played by your automatic player that soothes your mood and makes you feel fresh and ready for the day. When you get out of your bed, you control temperature and lighting of your room with some flicks on your wrist and spoken instructions. A translucent screen appears in front of you when you are in your bathroom which reads and displays latest news and updates for you. When you come to your room, your wardrobe door opens automatically and brings you a freshly clean suit because your calendar says that you have an important meeting today. You head to your kitchen for breakfast and the translucent screen appears again to read and display your emails. Meanwhile, a mug of coffee and a fresh toast made by your humidity-controlled automated oven comes in front of you.

As you leave for your office, your self-driving car wait for you in front of your gate and takes you to your office building. You reach your office and tap your wrist watch to project your presentation on a translucent screen and make few changes through spoken instructions. You are now ready to make the presentation for your clients located abroad. You share your data, files and prototypes of your product to the client within a second through supersonic Internet. Your client is happy and the deal is done.

Next, you need to monitor how your distantly located factory is operating and interact with the team there. Your voice instructs a 3D screen that displays the factory for you. You can see people working there as if they are just in front of you. You can see them happy at work. The real-time virtual interaction mechanism helps you talk to them, listen to their ideas and share your feedback. You feel happy about the way people are working at the factory.

At 6 PM, your car reaches your office door to pick you up to go back home. It reminds you about your niece’s birthday party later that day and displays a list of things she likes. You select a digital textbook for her and your watch reads an instant message “Your order is now placed, and will be delivered to your niece’s address in 30 minutes”. At the party, you see everyone interacting with each other, feeling happy and enjoying their juice, wine and beer. The roof of the house which converted itself into a large hall for the party is decorated with digital screens displaying your niece’s childhood pictures and funny videos, and at other times displaying amazing lights. You sit at a corner with your glass of beer saying to yourself “what an amazing world the technology has given us”. Your watch beeps again to inform you that you can enjoy two more glasses of beer to reach the minimum alcohol limit in your blood. You smile again and enjoy the party.

This is not a fantasy but a real world that engineers will create soon. Engineers who know how to develop powerful microprocessors, program it to do thousands of tasks automatically, and use it in every aspect of lives, are the ones who will design our future. Albert Einstein had aptly said “Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been.” Engineers turn dreams into reality, and to turn this dream into reality, you will need to know how chips work, how they communicate, how data are stored and how machines are programmed to work at our will. Tribhuvan University’s BE in Electronics, Communication and Information Engineering is an amazing program that teaches you all.

Upgraded from traditional curriculum of Electronics and Communication Engineering, the new curriculum of Electronics, Communication and Information Engineering does not only add the ‘Information’ aspect of engineering, but also incorporates the magic of collaboration of all three components – ‘Electronics’, ‘Communication’ and ‘Information’. 

This means the graduates from this course will have a capacity to code a machine, develop communication channels to interlink it with other devices, and use it to solve daily life problems. They will be the pioneers of future world. The curriculum, which is already rich in hardware and communication technology, has added software technology, thus making students master of all. The added IT courses in the curriculum gives students an extra edge over other engineering students in the field of IT, electronics and communication.

The foundation for future’s world has already been built. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality and Big Data technology have already been common topics for engineers. These are only few of the areas the graduates of BE Electronics, Communication and Information can pursue for their further studies or for their career. The opportunities are limitless for them. Sensor-based automated devices aren’t any new thing for us today. Motion-detecting devices have been with us for many years already. The future of technology is the world we see Tom Cruise live in Mission Impossible series. We have already seen the world we described above in movies. It’s the matter of time when we will live in that world.

The curriculum of BE Electronics, Communication and Information is marred by the myth that there is no scope for its graduates as there are too few electronic-devices manufacturing/assembling companies and there are only handful of telecommunication companies in Nepal. This is not true at all. There are many companies where there is good demand of people who have electronics engineering knowledge and skills. CG already has its own electronic-devices manufacturing setup, and few more are on pipeline. Adaptation of 5G technology in mobile communication will require thousands of skilled Electronics, Communication and Information Engineering graduates. Emerging and growing national data centers will require thousands of information engineers to operate. And then there are hundreds of software companies looking desperately for skilled IT graduates. With all these, the future seems secured and prosperous for those who are wise enough to choose BE in Electronics, Communication and Information engineering for their graduate studies.

Now the question comes – where to study it? The wise becomes wiser when one looks for quality in learning pedagogy while selecting the college. Today, students do not learn enough within classrooms. Learning method has also evolved with time, and traditional classroom-based model is now getting obsolete. One should select the college that teaches you stuffs beyond classroom. 

Kathford International College of Engineering and Management, located at Balkumari, Lalitpur, has developed its philosophy of Learning Beyond Classroom, where students are taught using modern technology in classroom and the learning is supplemented with numerous activities beyond it. The four students clubs – ROBOKath, KathFOSS, CESSKath and Creative Club enhances their knowledge and skills to multiple folds and develops professional skills in them. 

The Big Family at Kathford provides tremendous opportunities to collaborate with cross-functional students from Engineering, Management and IT streams and create amazing projects. Kathford students, who have already carved their niche for their amazing automated robots in many competitions, have been pioneering many digital solutions in Nepal.

So are you passionate about creating the world of future? Now you know what to study and where.

NotePrashant Raj Karki is Head of Operations of Kathford International College of Engineering & Management. 

In this article, he expressed how skilled electronics and communication Engineers can make our daily life easier with the help of modern technologies which will help human being in every sphere of life, thus improving in our productivity, performance, speed, simplifying every difficult task with the evolution of technology, electronics and communication.