Opinion | Impact of COVID-19 on education system of Nepal

Dr. Suman Singh

April 26, 2020
Last updated July 15, 2021
Sr. Content Writer

On 3rd of Baishakh, the government of Nepal decided to extend the lockdown imposed nationwide for a further period of two weeks till the 15th Baishakh. The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented health crisis not only for Nepal but on a global scale. Many so-called superpowers have no clue how to deals with the crisis of this scale and are helpless but to mitigate it through lockdowns. 

Given the rate at which new cases are being reported, it is likely that the government will be forced to extend the lockdown further. The lockdowns imposed in countries worldwide have spared no sector globally, among which the education sector has been one of the worst-hit sectors. The crisis has caused interruptions in the entire education system of Nepal including learning activities and evaluation process of students. Recent UNESCO data shows that the lockdowns have impacted over 91% of students globally. 

Many countries have shut down their schools, colleges, and universities in the wake of the crisis. In Nepal, some of the actions taken by the government have been abrupt like postponing the SEE examination less than 24 hours before they were scheduled to start. The examinations of 11th and 12th grade were also postponed indefinitely. It caught many students preparing for the exams by surprise, not to mention their dilemma and their confusion on how their education career will shape up. Starting the academic year date will have an adverse effect on students their parents and teachers. 

Developed countries have resorted to online learning activities to minimize the impact and keep the students engaged. In the context of Nepal, however, there are challenges to conduct online learning activities due to the lack of tools required to connect and engage teachers and students online. The challenge is complemented by the fact that a large section of students belongs to the remote areas that lack basic internet connectivity. Those who have access to the internet may not know how to make proper use of it.

Educationists are brain-storming for a way out of this crisis some have even proposed to promote students to the next step of their education path based on their performance in the examinations conducted before the lockdown. As the world waits for the light at the end of the tunnel, students are encouraged to make use of assembling social media to learn new skills, engage in extracurricular activities, and stay positive.

The views and opinions expressed in the article does not necessarily reflect the views of edusanjal.

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