Model Question for Lecturer post of Tribhuvan University (First paper and Second Paper)

January 30, 2019
Last updated July 15, 2021
Sr. Content Writer

TU Service Commission

Written Examination for the Post of Lecturer (Open Competition) 

First Paper: Subject Specific Multiple Choice and Subjective Questions

(Model Question)

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions

Full Marks: 20 Time: 30 minutes Attempt all the questions. (1 x 20)

Tick (√) the best alternative.

1. Which definition of psychology is considered to be scientific?

(a) Study of achievement (b) Study of behavior (c) Study of consciousness (d) Study of mind

2. Development is

(a) life long process. (b) topically restricted. (c) circular in nature. (d) age focused.

3. Rapid rate of human growth and development occurs at

(a) an early childhood stage. (b) late childhood stage. (c) baby hood stage. (d) infancy stage of human development. 

4. What are the 3 As of happiness?

(a) Appearance, affection and achievement (b) Aspiration, appearance and achievement (c) Acceptance, affection and achievement (d) Acceptance, affection and appearance

5. Who used "mental age scales" in creating an intelligence test?

(a) Binet (b) Bloom (c) Gardner (d) Sternberg

6. Learning is a process that results in

(a) modification of behavior. (b) efficient use of language. (c) future academic success. (d) physical competence.

7. Bandura's social learning is often termed as

(a) information processing. (b) learning by identification. (c) instrumental conditioning. (d) insightful learning.

8. An electric shock given to a rat to make it jump is related with

(a) feedback. (b) positive reinforcement. (c) punishment. (d) negative reinforcement.

9. Which of the following is not the purpose of instruction?

(a) Shaping behaviors (b) Refining conduct (c) Developing knowledge (d) Dictating lessons

10. Which factor does not form the basis of curriculum development?

(a) Objective and philosophy of education (b) Contemporary politics (c) Learning of the child (d) Contemporary society

11. A curriculum is not

(a) a list of extra- and co-curricular activities. (b) an organized body of teaching learning activities. (c) a list of contents to be taught. (d) a means for achieving educational objectives.

12. The objective which does not belong to affective domain is

(a) to pay attention. (b) to show response. (c) to organize. (d) to examine.

13. An average teacher explains, good teacher demonstrates and a great teacher 

(a) explores. (b) inspires. (c) teaches. (d) sermons

14. Deafness is a type of invisible disability mostly hindering

(a) reading skill. (b) writing skill. (c) listening skill. (d) speaking skill.

15. A good teacher

(a) tells. (b) adapts. (c) creates. (d) explores.

16. Learning new things is an act of

(a) reproduction. (b) recalling old things. (c) repetition. (d) positive transfer.

17. The knowledge learned in school helps in daily affairs at home. What type of learning transfer is this?

(a) Vertical transfer (b) Lateral transfer (c) Horizontal transfer (d) Circular transfer

18. A Nepali subject teacher, after telling a long story in a classroom, generalized the theme of the story to generate a new moral lesson. We call this method of teaching

(a) an empirical method. (b) a question answer method. (c) an inductive method. (d) a deductive method.

19. 'Culture of silence or deaf culture' occurs

(a) when the people of a community don't talk with each other. (b) when community people don't want intervention from the outside people. (c) when almost all people of the community are deaf. (d) when people of the community don't fight for their rights.

20. Which of the following indicates the concept of motivation?

(a) Bhagawati is doing well in typing. (b) Bhagawati developed habit to study three hours daily. (c) Bhagawati increased her study hours from two to four hours daily. (d) Bhagawati showed keen interest in English study.

TU Service Commission

Written Examination for the Post of Lecturer (Open Competition)

(Model Question)

First Paper: Subject Specific Multiple Choice and Subjective Questions

Section B: Subjective Questions

Full Marks: 80 Time: 2:30 hours Attempt all the questions.

1. Outline, in chronological order, the growth of inclusive education from the perspective of special education. (8)

2. "Education for All" (EFA) program aimed at creating a society for all. State its indicators on a priority basis. (8)

3. Comprehensive evaluation should assess the hidden and expressive abilities of students with special needs. Comment with specific examples. (8)

4. Why is academic achievement of students with special needs not comparable with their counterparts? What is your interpretation behind this difference? (4+4=8)

5. Measurement of Intelligence Quotient is not always the predictor of intelligence and this is more so with students with intellectual disability. What measures would you suggest to go beyond this IQ test to explore and determine the level of intelligence of your students with learning difficulty? (8)

6. There are overarching developmental issues that should go into policy documents of the nation. Critique such overarching issues of contemporary time that should define the recent trend of development. (6+4)

7. Full participation, equality and enablement are related with the concept of inclusion. How can you translate these concepts into the education system in order to make it inclusive in nature? (10)

8. Higher education is considered to be a subject of mass consumption. What is your logic behind making higher education mass friendly or elite friendly? (10)

9. Inclusive democracy is defined by the constitution of Nepal as the life blood of people - as a way of their life. How would you apply this to address the issue of representation of the voice of the voiceless? (10)

TU Service Commission

Written Examination for the Post of Lecturer (Open Competition)

(Model Question)

Second Paper: Curriculum, Subject Specific Problems, Teaching and Research Methods

Full Marks: 100 Time: 3 Hours

Attempt all the questions.

1. Describe the basic structure of the Bachelor level curriculum of the university with reference to Tribhuvan University. List the subject-specific foundations for the preparation of a curriculum. (6+4=10)

2. The Bachelor’s program of the Tribhuvan University, starting with two to three years’ program, has now come up as a four-year program. Compare the differences between the curriculums of these programs and identify the main challenges.


3. Point out the subject specific weaknesses of the four-year Bachelor’s level curriculum. Compare it with the curriculum of the same level and the subject of any foreign university based on merits and demerits. Spell out the ways of making the curriculum both qualitative and competitive. (2+4+4=10)

4. Reflect upon the relevance of adopting the semester system in place of the annual system in the Master’s program. (10)

5. Comment on the difficulties faced in the implementation of the curriculum. Suggest ways to cope up with them with special focus on assessment and alignment. (5+5=10)

6. What major pedagogic approaches/methods can be applied to teach your subject? Clarify the theoretical foundations of any widely used approach or method of teaching in your discipline. (3+5=8)

7. What is student-centered learning? How will you prepare a lesson plan for one-hour class on any topic of your choice?(2+5=7) 

8. On behalf of your college, prepare a proposal in an appropriate format stating that your college library lacks research materials like books, reference texts, and journals. (8)

9. Discuss the implications of fabrication and plagiarism in research. (3+4=7)

10. Think of any recent issue/trend in your subject, and explain in detail the possible challenges associated with it. How would you overcome those challenges?2+4+4=10)

11. Comment on Nepal’s Higher Education Policy (2074) in relation to the growth of research quality and standard. (5)

12. Write about the responsibilities of the Subject Committee. (5)

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