Curriculum of CBSE


February 28, 2021
Last updated July 15, 2021

The curriculum committee sets the CBSE curriculum under the Academic, Training, Research, and Innovation Unit of the board. The unit functions according to the broader objectives set in the National Curriculum Framework-2005 and under various policies and acts passed by the Government of India from time to time. The national framework prescribes a pedagogical approach and provides the boards with a set of guiding principles.

As per the official website, the committee functions as follows:

  • considers the total number of compulsory and optional subjects for each of the Board’s examination;

  • recommends curricula for the Board’s examinations and the syllabus in each subject;

  • considers proposals for the introduction of new subjects and the exclusion of existing subjects;

  • considers questions of the formation of a group of subjects and the alteration of one group with another;

  • recommends prescribed text-books, when considered necessary, in conformity with the syllabus.

National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)

The curriculum followed by CBSE is from NCERT books. Schools affiliated with the CBSE board follow a syllabus designed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). NCERT, established in 1961 under the Government of India, is an autonomous organization that bears the major responsibility of assisting and advising the Central and State level Governments of India. The autonomous body works on plans and policies leading to improvement in school education in the country. It also prepares and publishes educational materials, including textbooks and other supplementary materials. CBSE uses the same materials in schools under its affiliation.

The CBSE NCERT syllabus is developed to help students understand the ‘weightage allotted to each unit’, helping the students access the CBSE scoring pattern. 

As per the New Education Policy of India, the students are allowed to appear for the board exams two times. The second exam is known as the ‘improvement exam.’ 

Major features of the CBSE curriculum

  • the curriculum followed by all schools affiliated to CBSE uses a student-centric approach;
  • the curriculum is designed such that along with the intellectual stimulation, it also targets physical as well as social stimulation among students;
  • under the board, taking board exams after the completion of 10th grade is optional whereas, it is mandatory for the 12th;
  • CBSE curriculum is designed to facilitate the children of parents who have transferable jobs;
  • the board caters to students who want to go into the traditional routes like engineering/medical;
  • no student is marked with an ‘F’ for failing exams till grade 8 under CBSE;
  • CBSE has a vast curriculum and lays more emphasis on the application of Science and Math related subjects; and
  • the curriculum is updated regularly by experts at various intervals.

The CBSE system also authorizes special education targeted at students with learning difficulties. The students with such problems are referred to the school counselor, who then refer the students to a special education teacher if needed. The special education teacher conducts remedial classes for the students with special needs. Serious adaptations and modifications are done while setting exam papers for the students under the category.

Categorization of Classes and the Subjects Taught 

Primary (Class I to V)


English, Hindi/Nepali - With special emphasis on spoken language

Other Subjects

Maths, Environmental Studies

Arts & Craft

Drawing, Painting, Craftwork

Co-curricular Activities

Music, Dance, Recitation, G.K., Computers, Nature Study

Physical Health Education

Calisthenics, Games, Yoga, and Karate

Middle (Class VI to VIII)

  1. English (1st Language)

  2. Hindi/Nepali (2nd Language)

  3. Hindi/Nepali (3rd Language)

  4. Mathematics

  5. General Science

  6. Social Science

  7. Creative Writing (Essay, Story & Poetry )

  8. Art Education: Painting, Music & Dance

  9. Work Experience/Computer Science

  10. Physical Health Education 

Secondary (Class IX & X)


English, Hindi/Nepali

Other Subjects

Maths, Science, Social Sciences

Subjects of Internal assessment

Art, PHE, Work Experience & Computer Science

Co-curricular Activities

Games, Sports & other School activities.

Senior Secondary (Class XI & XII)

There are three streams i.e. Science, Commerce, and Humanities. In each stream, we offer two or three groups of which a student has to choose one. The details are given below:

Science stream

Commerce stream

Arts stream

Group 1

Group 2

Group 1

Group 2

Group 1








Business Studies

Business Studies








Computer Science




Maths/ Home Sc./ Comp. Sc.



Info. Prac./ Geog./ Home Sc

Home Science/ Info. Prac.

Assessment under CBSE

CBSE follows a continuous assessment system throughout the year via Formative Assessment (FA) and Summative Assessment (SA). The assessment system is categorized into two semesters, each including 2 FA and 1 SA.

Total marks per semester: 50

Formative Assessment will consist of the following three activities.

Formative Assessment 1 (10 marks)

  1. Individual Activity (Project Work, Assignment, etc.)

  2. Group Activity (Skits, project presentations, etc.)

  3. Pen and Paper Examinations

Formative Assessment 2 (10 marks)

Same as FA 1

Summative Assessment (30 marks)

Written Examination (90% theory, 10% practical)

Two semesters add up to a total of 100 marks for an academic year.