Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology, School of Mathematical Sciences, Kirtipur, announces new admissions for B.Math. Sc in Actuarial Science for 2081. The program is full-time, of 8 Semesters in 4 years in duration.
Key Details
- Application Form Deadline: Bhadra 07, 2081 (August 23, 2081) (Friday)
- Application Form Deadline With Double Fees: Bhadra 08, 2081 (August 23, 2081) to Bhadra 11, 2081 (August 27, 2081)
- Written Examination Date: Bhadra 13, 2081 (Thursday) (August 29, 2081) (8:00 AM to 9:45 AM)
- Examination Location: School of Mathematics Science, Balkhu
- Interview and Qualification: Will be published after the publication of the written examination result
- Regarding inclusive quota: The school T.U. According to the Semester System Operation Regulation 2074, 80% (32 people) open and 20% (08 people) inclusive quota will be admitted in 40 seats. For inclusive seats, the form on the school's website should be filled, and the day of the interview should be indicated.
- Passed Grade 12 or equivalent level examination with 100 marks of Mathematics or Business Mathematics from any stream (Science, Management, Humanities, Education) in 10+2 and securing Grade C in each subjects and minimum 1.8 CGPA.
- Passed proficiency certificate level or equivalent from Tribhuvan University or academic institution recognized by Tribhuvan University by taking Mathematics or Business Mathematices of 100 marks and passed in Second Division.
- Passed A level with Mathematics of 100 full marks and secured atleast D grade
- Passed any subjects from CTEVT Diploma with Mathematics of 100 marks and securing atleast second division
- If the applicant has passed from International Academic Institutions, he/she should submit equivalent certificate from Curriculum Development Center, Sanothimi.
Applicants can apply ONLINE from Sharwan 1, 2081.
Entrance Exam Fee: Rs. 2,000. Applicant should deposit this fee in account of TU School of Mathematical Science, Nepal Bank Limited, Kirtipur, Current AC. No. 04500106276401000001
Entrance Exam
- New admissions will be taken based on written exams, interviews, and educational qualifications. A merit list will be published based on 100 marks, with 80 marks for the written exam, 10 for the interview, and 10 for educational qualifications.
- There will be a written exam of 80 marks with multiple choice questions, consisting of Mathematics (30 Marks), English (30 Marks), and General Knowledge and IQ (20 Marks). The exam will last 1 hour and 45 minutes.
- A minimum of 35% is required to pass the written exam.
- Sample question papers for the written exam can be obtained from the school’s website.
- The date and time for the written exam and interview will be published later.
Inclusive Quota
According to Tribhuvan University’s semester system regulations 2074, out of 40 seats, 80% (32) will be open, and 20% (8) will be reserved for inclusive quotas.
According to the Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University Scholarship Guidelines 2079, merit scholarships will be provided each semester (one male and one female student), and 10% of students will receive free scholarships.
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