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Basic Bakery Training 

Baking can be highly rewarding, particularly when your efforts result in healthy and delicious creations. Understanding which ingredients to use and mastering basic baking skills are essential for starting your baking journey.

Course Structure

  • Bakery Introduction
  • Basic Equipment
  • Personal Hygiene
1 2 hrs
  • Plain
  • Melon
  • Chocolate
2/3/4 3 hrs
  • White
  • Chocolate
5/6 2 hrs
  • White Forest
  • Black Forest
7/8 3 hrs
  • White
  • Brown
9 2 hrs
Bread Item
  • Bread Rolls
  • Buns
10/11 3 hrs
Croissant Plain 12 2 hrs
Brownies Chocolate 13 2 hrs
Cookies Choco-chips 14 2 hrs
  1. Lemon
  2. Fruit
15 2 hrs
  1. Plain 
  2. Chocolate
16 3 hrs

Advanced Bakery Training 

The Advanced Bakery course enables students to build on the knowledge and techniques acquired in the basic program. It delves into the bakery from a professional perspective, with a focus on advanced fermentation methods.

Course Structure

Unit Hours Unit Description
Introduction to Bakery & Confectionary 18 hrs
  • General Overview
  • Scope of Bakery
  • Learning the Organizational Structure
  • Units of Measurement
  • Bakery & Confectionery Terms
  • Basic Equipment for Bakery
  • Baking Temperature for Bakery Products
Hygiene 14 hrs
  • General Overview
  • Concept of Hygiene and its importance in
  • Bakery
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Work Area Hygiene
  • Basic First Aid
Structure of Wheat Grain 12 hrs
  • General Overview
  • Physical Structure
  • Longitudinal Section
Miling of Wheat 18 hrs
  • General Overview
  • Composition of Wheat Flour
  • Types of Flour
  • Grades of Wheat Flour
  • Water Absorption Power
  • Gluten
Role of Raw Materials used for Bread Making 10 hrs
  • General Overview
  • Making Essential: Flour, Salt, Yeast, Water, Sugar
  • Optional: Fats & Oils, Eggs, Bread
  • Improvers, Milk
Methods of Bread Making 10 hrs
  • General Overview
  • Straight Dough Method
  • Sponge and Dough Method
Characteristics of Good Breads 14 hrs
  • General Overview
  • External: Volume, Symmetry of shape,
  • Crust Colour, Evenness of Bake, Oven Break
  • Internal: Colour of Bread, Structure, Sheen and Texture, Flavour and Aroma, Crum Clarity, Moistness, Cleanliness


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