The Purbanchal University Act, 2050 (1994) established the Faculty of Science and Technology (FOST) in 1994. In 1996, it launched a three-year Bachelor of Computer Application (B.C.A.) program in Biratnagar, which was Nepal's first. Today, FOST offers four-year Bachelor's programs in IT and Engineering, as well as a two-year Master's degree, all of which are based on credit hours and semesters. In the future, FOST will provide master's degrees in fields such as information technology, civil engineering, electrical engineering, agriculture, and veterinary medicine. FOST's programming are distributed around the country through its three constituents and twenty-four connected institutions.
The Faculty of Science and Technology (FOST) was created in 1994 by the Purbanchal University Act 2050 (1994). It started Nepal's first three-year Bachelor of Computer Application (B.C.A.) program in Biratnagar in 1996. FOST now offers four-year Bachelor's degrees in information technology and engineering, as well as a two-year Master's degree, all of which are based on credit hours and semesters. FOST will provide master's degrees in a variety of subjects in the future, including computer technology, civil engineering, electrical engineering, agriculture, and veterinary medicine.