Faculty of Education | Tribhuvan University

Tribhuvan University Faculty of Education (FOE) currently offers a range of programs, including Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.), Master of Education (M.Ed.), Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education. The bachelor's and master's programs integrate academic content with professional courses to provide a comprehensive education.

About Faculty of Education | Tribhuvan University

The Basic Teacher Training Program was established in 1947, and it marked the beginning of teacher education in Nepal. Because the then-government of Nepal recognized the need for teachers and teacher training, the Nepal National Educational Planning Commission (NNEPC) suggested the establishment of a College of Education in 1954-55, which was completed in 1956. The College of Education (COE) was established with the primary goal of training teachers for primary and secondary schools. As a result of the foundation of the College of Education, the country's teacher training took shape. In 1971, the country's National Education System Plan was implemented, and COE was renamed the Institute of Education (IOE). Following the advice of the Royal Commission on Higher Education, IOE was accorded the status of the current Faculty of Education a decade later, in 1982. (FOE).

The Faculty of Education (FOE) is one of Tribhuvan University's largest faculties, both in terms of student numbers and the number of campuses. It has the largest network of teacher training in the country, with 26 component campuses and 560 linked campuses across the country. FOE develops qualified educational workforce as teachers, teacher trainers, educational planners and managers, educational researchers, curriculum designers, and all types of human resources needed for the country's educational sector.

Whatever name it had at the time, it always aided the Ministry of Education (MOE) by generating and delivering an educational workforce, as well as assisting the country in its development efforts.