4 Years BBS First year result published, 13.58% passed


July 06, 2015
A-Levels 2025

Tribhuvan University office of the controller of examination, Balkhu today published the results of 4 years Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) First year-Regular.  The examination of BBS First year was held on Bhadra 2071. 

You can view your result online at tu.edusanjal.com. Colleges can view the results of their students by login to tu.edusanjal.com/college 

Result statistics 4 years BBS First year Regular-2071

  1. Total number of students: 41, 115
  2. Total passed students; 5585
  3. Pass percent: 13.58% 
  4. Total number of expelled students: 79

Since last two years, we are requesting current TU OCE chief to give us permission to publish full result with marksheet online, but we have not yet got the permission. We have built the system to display full result with Marksheet nearly 2 years ago, when the past TU OCE chief asked us to do so. 

We request students to talk with their respective colleges to make provisions of viewing result online and colleges can request TU OCE for the same. We already had ready made application for this. As soon as we got permission we can start giving this service.

We also has our own SMS number (7676), but TU OCE has not given us permission to use that SMS number too. 

Being former students of Tribhuvan University, we always tried to uplift the image of our University and we will be doing this, no matter what will be the circumstances in upcoming days.

What you think about this pass percentage?  What's the reason behind this and how can we increase the pass percentage?
