
RBB-Level 6, Assistant Manager (Agriculture) Exam · सहायक प्रबन्धक (कृषि)

The Assistant Manager (Level 6)—Agriculture selection process at Rastriya Banijya Bank is meticulously designed to assess the candidates' proficiency in agricultural economics and farm business management. The process consists of a written examination and an interview.

Written Examination

The written exam, totaling 200 marks, is divided into two subject-based papers, each lasting three hours.

The first paper covers Agricultural Economics and Banking, while the second focuses on Farm Business Management. Candidates are required to answer the questions using only a black ballpoint or ink pen.

The questions may be structured as a single long question, multiple parts of a single question, or several short notes under one question.

To advance to the interview stage, candidates must secure at least 40% in each paper.


The interview, which carries 30 marks, serves as the final evaluation of the candidate's suitability for the role.

This comprehensive selection process ensures that only the most knowledgeable and capable individuals are chosen for the Assistant Manager (Agriculture) position at Rastriya Banijya Bank.

Salary and Other Benefits

As per the prevailing rules of Rastriya Banijya Bank.

Probation Period

6 months for female employees and 1 year for male employees.

Other Service Conditions

As per the Rastriya Banijya Bank (RBB) Limited, Employee Service Regulations, 2070 (including the seventh amendment).

Posting of Appointees:

Employees appointed to positions advertised under Assistant Manager (Agriculture) (Level 6) may be posted to work at the Central Office, Provincial Offices, and Branch Offices.

Full Marks: N/A
Pass Marks: N/A
Exam Type: N/A
Question Type: N/A
Number of Questions: N/A
Negative Marking: N/A


Academic Qualification

Master's degree in Agricultural Science from a recognized institution.

Age Limit

As of the online application deadline, applicants must be at least 21 years old and no older than 35. However, women and disabled candidates are eligible to apply up to the age of 40. These age limits do not apply to current permanent employees of the bank.



First Paper: Agricultural Economics and Banking
(100 marks)

1. Production function – concept, stages, analysis
2. Multiplier effect of agricultural business in national economy
3. Role of agricultural business in national development
4. Role of agricultural business in economic empowerment of farmer
5. Existing government policies in agricultural sector development – Education, Research, Extension, Financing etc.
6. Business cycle- concept, steps and forecasting
7. Supply chain and value chain
8. Elasticity – types and usage
9. Inflation
10. Agricultural marketing

  • Concept
  • Pricing
  • Marketing channels
  • Standardization
  • Packaging
  • Maximize consumer's rupee in producer's hand

11. Role of agriculture credit in commercialization of agricultural business
12. Existing source of agriculture financing in Nepal
13. Types of farmers in innovation adoption
14. Monetary policy
15. Central & Commercial bank in Nepal
16. Role of banks & poverty reducation
17. Nepal Rastra Bank Act, 2058
18. BAFIA, 2063

2nd Paper 
Farm Business Management (100 Marks)

1. Concept and principles of farm business management
2. Development process of farm business from subsistence level to commercialization
3. Project cycle of farm business enterprise
4. Farm Business Plan
5. Detail feasibility study of farm business project

I) Technical feasibility
II) Managerial feasibility
III) Economical feasibility
IV) Financial feasibility
a. Fixed capital assessment
b. Operating cost and return
c. Working capital assessment
d. Profit loss assessment
e. Cash flow assessment 
f. Balance sheet
g. Financial indicators — IRR,NPV,BCR, Profit investment ratio, Profit equity ratio,
Debt equity ratio, Debt service coverage ratio, Breakeven point, Payback period, EMI calculation, Current ratio etc.
h. Pricing
V) Environment feasibility
VI) Political feasibility (Legal, Government Policy, Other support etc.)
6. Different types of cost and revenue in farm business management
7. Different types of relationship in farm business like factor- factor relationship, factor product relationship, product-product relationship
8. Principles and tools of farm business management analysis and decision making (Planning, Budgeting, Forecasting, Financial statements, Linear programming, Network/CPM, Selection criteria of best alternative etc.)
9. Different resources in farm business and their proper utilization (Land, Labor, Capital, Inputs, Machinery etc.)
10. Risk and uncertainties in farm business
11. Insect, Pest, Disease, Weed etc. management in farm business.
12. Irrigation management in farm business
Note: Farm business involves agronomical crops, horticultural crops, floriculture, live stock, poultry, fishery, sericulture, bee keeping, etc.


Syllabus of RBB-Level 6, Assistant Manager (Agriculture)