
Officer Cadet Exam: Nepal Army · अधिकृत क्याडेट

 · Other

To select the candidate for the post of officer cadet, there will be bearing tests and pre-medical exams, physical exams, IQ tests, written exams (conducted by the Public Service Commission), grading tests (TO, GTO, IO, and board conferences), detailed health checks, and board interviews. 

The Nepal Army has established a comprehensive written examination scheme for recruiting Officer Cadets (Open and Inclusive category). This examination assesses candidates' proficiency in four key subjects: English, Nepali, Mathematics, and General Knowledge. Each subject carries a total mark of 100, with a pass mark set at 40.

The questions for English and Nepali subjects will be in their respective languages. Mathematics and General Knowledge questions will be bilingual (English and Nepali).

Candidates may answer the written examination in Nepali, English, or a combination of both. The examination format, including the number of questions, marks, and time allocation, aligns with the prescribed syllabus.

Only candidates who pass the subjective part will be evaluated for the objective (MCQs) part. Calculators are prohibited during the objective (MCQs) examination.  The subjective part of the exam will begin only after the completion of the objective (MCQ) section for that subject.

Examination Structure and Details

1. English:


This Course has been designed for the competitive examinations to be held in open mode (free competition) to select officer cadets in the Nepal Army. It will test candidates' competence and performance in the English language through various aspects of language: grammar, translation, comprehension passage, composition writing, etc.

This Course is divided into two parts—part one and part two. Objective questions (multiple-choice items) are asked in part one, and subjective questions are asked in part two. Grammatical competence will be judged by part one test items, whereas communicative competence will be judged by part two test items. Language functions and communicative skills are primarily focused in the latter part. English language fluency will be tested through this test.

The nature and standard of the questions in the English Language Proficiency Test will be such that a class 12 pass or equivalent person will be able to answer them without any specialized study.

  • Full Marks: 100
  • Pass Marks: 40
  • Examination System:
    • Subjective:
      • 3 Questions x 10 Marks = 30
      • 7 Questions x 5 Marks = 35
      • 1 Question x 15 Marks = 15
    • Objective (MCQs):
      • 20 Questions x 1 Mark = 20
  • Duration: 2 Hours 15 Minutes (Subjective), 15 Minutes (Objective)

2. Nepali:

यो पाठ्यक्रम नेपाली सेनाको अधिकृत क्याडेट छनौट परीक्षा (खुला) का लागि निर्धारण गरिएको हो । उच्च माध्यमिक तह (१०+२) को अनिवार्य नेपाली विषयको पाठ्यवस्तुमा आधारित यसमा तहगत ज्ञान, सीप र भाषिक क्षमताको परीक्षण गर्ने म ुल उद्देश्य राखिएको छ ।

यसलाई मुख्यतः व्याकरण र बोध तथा अभिव्यक्ति गरी दुई खण्डमा बाडिएको छ । व्याकरण खण्ड अन्तर्गत वर्ण, वर्ण विन्यास, शब्दवर्ग, शब्द निर्माण प्रक्रिया, शब्द भण्डार, कारक र वाक्य सम्बन्धी पाठ्यवस्तु समावेश गरिएका छन् भने बोध र अभिव्यक्ति खण्ड अन्तर्गत बोध तथा भाषिक अभिव्यक्तिका विविध पक्षहरू समाविष्ट छन् ।

व्याकरण खण्ड अन्तर्गत २० अङ्कका बहुवैकल्पिक वस्तुगत प्रश्न र २० अङ्कका प्रयोगमूलक विषयगत प्रश्नहरू समावेश छन् भने बोध र अभिव्यक्ति खण्ड अन्तर्गत ६० अङ्कका बोध तथा अभिव्यक्तिस ँग सम्बन्धित व्यावहारिक सिप तथा स्वतन्त्र लेखनस ँग सम्बन्धित प्रश्नहरू समावेश छन् ।

  • Full Marks: 100
  • Pass Marks: 40
  • Examination System:
    • Subjective:
      • 5 Questions x 4 Marks = 20
      • 2 Questions x 10 Marks = 20
      • 8 Question x 5 Marks = 40
    • Objective (MCQs):
      • 20 Questions x 1 Mark = 20
  • Duration: 2 Hours and 15 Minutes(Subjective), 15 Minutes (Objective)

3. Mathematics:


This mathematics course has been designed to hold competitive written examinations to select officer cadets in the Nepalese Army. The Course will test candidates' competence in Mathematics and its applications. This Course covers a wide range of Mathematics branches.

  • Full Marks: 100
  • Pass Marks: 40
  • Examination System:
    • Subjective:
      • 12 Questions x 2 Marks = 24
      • 14 Questions x 4 Marks = 56
    • Objective (MCQs):
      • 20 Questions x 1 Mark = 20
  • Duration: 2 Hours and 15 Minutes (Subjective), 15 Minutes (Objective)

4. General Knowledge:

  • Full Marks: 100
  • Pass Marks: 40
  • Examination System:
    • Objective (MCQs): 100 Questions x 1 Mark = 100
  • Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Full Marks: N/A
Pass Marks: N/A
Exam Type: Paper-based
Question Type: Both
Number of Questions: N/A
Negative Marking: No


Academic Qualification

(a) Certificate level or equivalent (for Officer Cadet) 

(b) Bachelor's level or equivalent (for Graduate Officer Cadet)

For both Officer Cadet and Graduate Officer Cadet, taking Mathematics as a subject in the SLC/SEE examination is mandatory.



(a) For certificates issued before implementing the Letter Grading Directive, 2078, a minimum GPA of 2/CGPA of 1.6 or above is required, and no subject should have a grade lower than D+.

(b) For certificates issued according to the Letter Grading Directive, 2078, the educational qualification for class 12 should have a GPA of 1.6 or above and the main certificate must be obtained. This grading system applies as follows:

  • (1) Only the educational qualification of the certificate level or equivalent will be considered for those applying for the Officer Cadet position after passing the certificate level or equivalent.
  • (2) For the Graduate Officer Cadet, only the educational qualification of the Bachelor's level or equivalent will be considered.

(c) Basic military training for Graduate Officer Cadets will last 12 (twelve) months.

Physical Eligibility

Feature Male Female
Height Minimum 5 feet 3 inches Minimum 5 feet
Chest Minimum 32 inches uninflated and minimum 34 inches inflated -
Weight Minimum 50 kg (110 lb)

Minimum 40 kg. (88 pounds)

If the applicant is using glass, the eye power should not be weaker than +2 to -2. 

Age Limit

Applicants must be at least 18 years old but not older than 21 years (for those with proficiency certificate level education qualification) and 24 years for those with Bachelor Level Education Qualification.  Current Nepal Army staff members applying for the position must be no older than 26 years by the last application date. 

Other qualifications:

Applicants must be deemed physically fit and meet the health standards required for military service. They must not be members of any political party, not be involved in any criminal activities or have a criminal record, and not be members of any organization deemed illegal by the government. 

Applicants must have good moral character and integrity, and must not have been dismissed from any government service or position on disciplinary grounds. Further details about other qualifications are specified in the "Military Service Regulations, 2069" and "Military Service Rules, 2071.