29th NELTA International Conference 2025

February 27, 2025 04:15
March 01, 2025 10:15
29th NELTA International Conference 2025

Nepal English Language Teachers' Association calls for proposals for presentation at the 29th NELTA International Conference 2025.

Conference Theme

Machine, Humanity, and Language: Navigating the Uncharted Frontiers in ELT

Sub Themes

  • Integrating Technology and AI into ELT
  • EdTech, ELT and GenZ
  • ICT Policies in Language Education
  • Digital Literacy, Human Interaction, and Critical Thinking in ELT
  • Social Justice in English Language Education  
  • Global Citizenship within the Digital Learning Environment
  • Emotional Intelligence and Resilience in Language Learning
  • Redefining Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in ELT
  • Diversity in Language Instruction
  • Differentiated Instruction in ELT
  • Assessment and Curriculum Alignment
  • Ethical Issues in Tech-driven Language Learning
  • Ecology of Language Teaching and Learning
  • Integrating Soft and Language Skills   
  • Professional Development in ELT

Key Details

  • Deadline for Proposal Submission: November 2, 2024
  • Proposal acceptance/rejection notice: November 30, 2024
  • Confirmation via Registration: January 5, 2025

Registration Fees

Type Early Bird On the Spot
NELTA Members NPR 4000 NPR 4500
Non-members NPR 4500 NPR 5000
Students with valid ID Card (only for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree) NPR 3000
SAARC Citizens $ 80
Expats working in SAARC $ 120
Outside from SAARC $ 200

For proposal submission guidelines, visit HERE.

For proposal submission, click HERE.