Ninth National Summit of Health and Population Scientists

April 10, 2023 04:15
April 12, 2023 10:15
  • +977-01-4254220

Nepal Health and Research Council (NHRC) promotes research culture by facilitating communication between researchers and policymakers to translate evidence into health policies, programmes and practices. The Ninth National Summit is a continuum of the previous annual summits as an annual gathering of researchers, academicians, scientists, practitioners, and policymakers to exchange ideas and health research evidence on national health issues and priorities focusing translation of evidence and innovations into actions. 

“Ninth National Summit of the Health and Population Scientists in Nepal” is one of the most comprehensive Summits of 2023.

The global environmental change including climate change, demographic change, urbanization and other emerging health issues such as non-communicable diseases, COVID-19 pandemic and frequent outbreak of diseases such as cholera, dengue and measles  has highlighted the critical importance of generating contextually tailored evidence through high-quality  research  for health and their use in decision making thereby strengthening health systems resilience to tackle future pandemics, shocks and stressors to the system. Realizing these needs NHRC is going to host the Ninth National Summit with the theme “Research for Health: Translating Evidence and Innovation into Actions”.

The Thematic areas (Sub-themes) include:

  1. Health System and Policy
  • Resilient Health Care Delivery System (Health Services, including access to care and its quality)
  • Health Workforce (Human Resources for Health)
  • Universal Health Coverage
  • Health Policy, Management, Leadership, Governance (Stewardship) and policy evidence nexus
  • Health Information Technology in Health Service and Research
  • Equity and Efficiency in Health System
  • Health Economics and Healthcare Financing
  • Human resource for health
  • Public Private Partnership (PPP)
  • Burden of diseases including vital statistics
  • Evidence synthesis
  1. Public (Population) Health
  • Health communication, education and health behavior
  • Sexual Reproductive Maternal Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health
  • Gender, Equity and Justice
  • Population and Population Dynamics (fertility, mortality and migration)
  • Nutrition, Food Safety and Security
  • Disabilities
  • Public Health Surveillance (i.e. Cancer, Vector-borne diseases etc.)
  • Other (Miscellaneous)
  1. Public Health Emergencies
  • COVID-19 pandemic related public health and clinical studies
  • Outbreak of dengue, cholera, measles and lessons learnt
  • Other public health emergencies, including public health response and preparedness to disease outbreaks, natural disasters and other emergencies
  • Clinical and Public Health Research
  • Health in altitude including mountain medicine (Physiological changes in different altitudes including mountain medicine)
  • Non-Communicable Diseases
  • Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Dementia and Suicide prevention
  • Geriatric health
  • Ayurveda & Other Traditional and Complementary Medicine
  • Communicable Diseases (Infectious & Tropical Diseases including neglected tropical diseases) from one health perspective
  • Emergency, Trauma and Critical care (including Injuries and Accidents)
  • Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
  • Inherited diseases (including thalassemia, sickle cell disorder, hemophilia, autism)
  • Other (Miscellaneous)
  • One Health and Global Health
  • Animal studies impacting human health (One Health concept)
  • Wider determinants of health (including Social Determinants of Health)
  1. Biomedical and Translational Research
  • Essential medical products including pharmaceutical products, pharmacovigilance and rational use of drugs
  • Biomedical research
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Innovation in health research
  • Implementation and operational research
  1. Networking, Collaboration and Partnership in Research for Health
  • Health research in the federal context
  • Clinical trials in Nepal
  • Drug discovery and partnership in research
  • Alternative medicine, disaster/emergency preparedness/migration health/
  • Digital health
  • Public patient engagement
  • Investment in research
  • Academic-industry partnership
  • Disease registry
  • Drug discovery
  1. Environmental Health and Climate Change
  • Environmental health
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Health care waste management
  • Air pollution and health
  • Environmental toxicology
  • Climate change and health
  • Planetary health
  • Environmental determinants of health