Kathmandu University, School of Education, in collaboration with CEMETS at ETH Zurich, is accepting applications from Nepali citizens with an interest in Technical and Vocational Education and Training for the TVET System Implementation Lab (iLab) Nepal 2023. The iLab is a learning platform established by CeSoed, a consortium of Kathmandu University's School of Education and ETH Zurich's Chair of Education System (CeS). The Swiss government's Backstopping and Learning for the QualiTY Project (B&L) funds the iLab as one of its initiatives.
Any person involved in TVET (TVET educator, instructor, people's representative, employer, government staff, practitioner) can apply to the program. Interested people should form a team of 5-8 people and can apply as a team. No individual application will be considered. The team can be formed by including members from similar or varied fields, including at least 33% of women.
The basis for team selection includes applicable reform cases contributing to quality TVET, including gender and representation from diverse fields, levels, and institutions. The reform case is a plan to address the felt problem in implementing quality TVET in a particular context.
The iLab Nepal will mainly be based on virtual sessions hosted on ETH's Moodle platform, followed by live events (in Nepali). There will also be a few physical sessions. The iLab 2023 is designed for six months.
The iLab charges no fees to the selected teams. The members of the team will receive the certificate upon the completion of the course. The best-performing team will participate CEMETS institute in Switzerland in 2024.