Fifth Virtual Education Symposium 2022 - British Council

February 24, 2022 03:45
February 25, 2022 10:45
Fifth Virtual Education Symposium 2022 - British Council

The British Council Nepal is hosting its 5th Virtual Education Symposium this month from 24 to 25 February 2022.

The theme of this year’s event is Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Education. The event aims to bring together policymakers, planners, administrators, headteachers, teachers, researchers, NGOs, private sector, and development partners to share different perspectives and discuss issues around ICT in Education, the principles around it, and the practices in Nepal and other countries in South Asia.

Before the pandemic, remote teaching and learning wasn’t a preferred medium for schools, especially in public schools. All teaching and training were done face-to-face, and everyone considered the face-to-face mode of delivery as more effective. Last year, the government published remote teaching and learning guidelines as a response to the pandemic. This wasn’t readily accepted as resources were not ready, teachers were not trained, and the majority of the students did not have access to good connectivity and resources. However, some schools in Nepal and South Asia have been found to use innovative ways for remote teaching and learning.  

Although ICT plays a crucial role in the education system in this changed context, little or no dialogue has been done around the theme of ICT in education. This virtual symposium will provide a platform for presentations, debates, and discussions around the same issues at policy and practice levels, involving national and international decision-makers and stakeholders, and members of the wider education community. 

Aims and objectives  

  • create a platform for the British Council and other education stakeholders to share best practices from projects related to ICT in Education, 
  • facilitate informed discussion about issues and challenges relating to the practice of ICT in Education in Nepal and other countries &  
  • provide opportunities for information sharing and constructive dialogues.  

 For program details and registration, links are available at