Creative Association for Research and Education (CARE), Pokhara University invites applications from invites application from all the students of Pokhara University affiliated colleges for Magazine entitled 'Chanakya'.
This is an opportunity for every student of Pokhara University and it’s affiliated colleges to network with each other and showcase their knowledge. Only around 30% of the applicants will be featured in our Pokhara University’s business magazine. It is an immense honor for every student to represent their college. Students can share their entrepreneurial story or the story of someone they admire or they can write an article covering any of the topics related to business. finance, communications, networking, leadership & management, and so on.
Objectives of the Magazine
To help people share the stories of their entrepreneurial journey or of someone they admire and also to help people gain knowledge on topics related to business. finance, communications, networking, leadership & management, and so on.
Deadline: September 19, 2020
For any queries, please feel free to contact on Facebook or email to