Colleges offering Pre-Diploma in Computer Application and Secretarial Management under CTEVT
Pre-Diploma in Computer Application and Secretarial Management course is completed in 1 year and 3 months. The aim of the program is to produce competent workforce equipped with required skills and knowledge to undertake any clerical and secretarial profession. This program is based on the job required to be performed by an Office Secretary/Computer Operator. This curriculum deals with office system and management, secretarial functions, record management, computer application, office equipment and financial management.
The program aims to equip trainees with required underpinning skills and knowledge. The focus of the course will be on exploring areas related with office operation so as to build competency of course attendants and thus enable them to undertake their duties independently. It is hoped that after completing the course successfully they will be able to undertake any clerical and secretarial profession.
This course is based on practical exposure in different areas as required. In every subject, topical explanations will be followed by demonstrations by instructors and in all tasks, trainees will be asked to practice by themselves through do-it yourself/hands-on exercises so that they can internalize what they learn in the classroom.
- After completing this curricular program, the students will be able to:
- Maintain the office environment and safety
- Perform a reception work
- Maintain records and indexes
- Familiarize with computer applications
- Handle email, internet and web page
- Write letters, memoranda and notice/circulation and report
- Assist to organize interviews, meetings, workshop and conferences
- Handle and operate different office equipment
- Handle accounting
Salient Features
Course Duration
This course will be completed within 18 months (40 hrs./week X 39 weeks a year = 1560 hrs. class plus 6 months on the job training (OJT).
The on-the-job training is evaluated in 500 full marks. The evaluation of the performance of the student is to be carried out by the three agencies; the concerned institute, OJT provider industry/organization and the CTEVT Office of the Controller of Examinations. The student has to score minimum 60% for successful completion of the OJT.
Pattern of Attendance
The students should have minimum 90% attendance in theory classes and practical/ performance to be eligible for internal assessments and final examinations.
Grading System
The grading system will be as follows
Grading overall marks
Distinction 80% or above
First division 75% to below 80%
Second division 65% to below 75%
Third division Pass aggregate to below 65%
The council for technical education and vocational training will award Technical School Leaving Certificate in "Computer Application and Secretarial Management" to the candidate who successfully completes the requirements as prescribed by the curriculum.
Individuals with following criteria will be eligible for this program:
- Should have passed SEE
- Should pass entrance examination administered by CTEVT
- Final selection will be made on the basis of merit list.
Admission Criteria
Candidates will be selected on the basis of entrance examination conducted by CTEVT.
Job Prospects
The graduate will be eligible for the position equivalent to Non-gazetted 2nd class/level 4 as an Office Secretary/Computer Operator or as prescribed by the Public Service Commission of Nepal/Related Organizations.
Curricular Structure