

3 months
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Colleges offering Plumber under CTEVT

Plumber is a three months (390 hours) course designed to produce employable plumbers equipped with knowledge, skills and attitudes related to the occupation. 

It is expected that, the trainees will acquire skills and knowledge during the period of in house training and will practice the skills related to plumbing works in the under construction private and public buildings as well as over the repairable installations and fixtures of the existing buildings. 

This course intends to provide skills and knowledge on preparatory works for installations and fixtures fittings related to the occupation. This course focuses on overview of related occupation, Identification of tools, equipment, and materials, Identification of symbols and codes, Safety rules, Bench work, GI, CI and PVC joining and connecting works, Various installations fitting works, Fixtures installation, replacing, repairing and maintaining the parts of installations and fixtures, Repairing minor masonry and plastering works and Preparing quantity estimate and costing.

Trainees will practice & learn skills using typical tools, equipment, machines and materials necessary for the program. 


The main aim of this program is to produce employable skilled plumbers who could provide plumbing services with in private and public buildings in the country and abroad. 


After completion of training the trainees will be able to:

1. Identify plumbing materials, tools, equipment and fitting materials related to plumbing
2. Handle plumbing related tools and equipment
3. Identify and apply plumbing symbols and codes
4. Perform various bench work such as measuring, marking, filing and sawing
5. Make various sizes of threads on galvanized iron pipes
6. Join and connect GI, CI and PVC fittings
7. Make various types of polyethylene fittings for joining the pipes
8. Install various types of fixtures in private and public buildings
9. Replace/repair and maintain the parts of installations and fixtures
10. Repair and maintain minor masonry and plastering works
11. Prepare quantity estimates and costing 

Salient Features

Duration:  The total duration of the course extends over 3 months (i.e. 3x130 hours equal to 390


Target group: The target group for this training program will be all interested individuals with educational prerequisite of minimum class five pass.

Group size: Maximum of thirty 

Target location: The target location of this training program will be all over Nepal. 

Medium of Instruction: The medium of instruction for this training program will be Nepali or English or both. 

Pattern of attendance: Trainee should have 90% attendance during the training period to get the certificate. 

Focus of the program:  This is a competency-based curriculum. This curriculum emphasizes on competency performance. 80% time is allocated for performance and remaining 20% time is for related technical knowledge. So, the main focus will be on performance of the specified competencies in the curriculum.

This curriculum also insists in the provision of hands on skill to gain maximum exposure on practical experience.

Follow up suggestion

  1. First follow up: Six months after the completion of the program
  2. Second follow up: Six months after the completion of the first follow up
  3. Follow up cycle: In a cycle of one year after the completion of the second follow up for five years


The trainees will be graded as follows based on the marks in percentage secured by them in tests/ evaluations.

  1. Distinction: Passed with 80% or above
  2. First Division: passed with 75% or above
  3. Second Division: passed with 65% or above
  4. Third Division: passed with 60% or above 

Certificate requirement:  Training institute itself will provide the certificate of "Plumber" to those trainees who successfully complete the prescribed course and conducted evaluation.

Skill Testing Provision: The graduates who have the completion certificate of “Plumber” may sit in the skill testing examination of level one (L-1) as administered by National Skill Testing Board.


Entry Criteria

Individuals who meet the following criteria will be allowed to enter this curricular program:

  • Minimum of five class pass or equivalent
  • Nepali citizen
  • Minimum of 15 years of age
  • Should pass entrance examination

Job Prospects

Once the trainees acquired the competencies they will have ample opportunity for employment and self-employment through which they will contribute in the national streamline of poverty reduction in the country. The skills and knowledge included in this curriculum improve their knowledge and skills and make them competent plumbers needed for the occupation. The major feature of the curriculum is to incorporate the drop-out youths who have only primary level schooling experience.

Curricular Structure

Competencies in Plumbing

1. State concept of plumbing and pipe fitting
2. Enumerate/identify plumbing materials/ fittings/valves/fixtures
3. Enumerate/identify/handle basic tools and equipment.
4. Enumerate/identify plumbing symbols.
5. Orient with safety rules.
6. Interpret working drawing/blueprint/catalog
7. Measure/mark/file/saw work piece.
8. Measure the dimension using vernier caliper.
9. Cut GI pipe.
10. Thread GI pipe.
11. Perform bending.
12. Drill a hole.
13. Join elbow/Tee/union/cross/plug with pipe.
14. Join valves (sluice valve/gate valve/air valve/pressure relief valve/check valve/glove valve)
with pipe.
15. Cut Pe pipe.
16. Make butt joint of Pe pipe.
17. Make 90/45/bend/elbow of Pe pipe.
18. Make Y/Tee Pe branch.
19. Make Reducer socket/vent cowl of Pe pipe.
20. Install sanitary fittings (bent/Tee/Y/socket) with pipe.
21. Join PVC fittings with pipe.
22. Cut CI pipe.
23. Join CI fittings with pipe.
24. Install multilayer composite tube.
25. Install tap (bib cock/CP tap/fixture).
26. Install shower.
27. Install fixtures (washbasin/bath tub/ bottle trap/sink).
28. Install fixtures (commode/ cistern/ pan).
29. Install electrical geyser.
30. Install water pump.
31. Install roof tank.
32. Connect ferrule and service pipeline.
33. Repair tap/fixture/angle valve.
34. Repair gate valve.
35. Repair conceal valve.
36. Repair floating valve.
37. Repair water pump.
38. Repair water closet (commode and pan).
39. Repair/wash basin/urinal/sink
40. Repair cistern.
41. Repair shower.
42. Repair water pipe line.
43. Repair waste water pipelines.
44. Repair solar water heater.
45. Repair/maintain minor masonry and plastering works
46. Prepare quantity estimate/costing

Curriculum of Plumber.pdf