Pizza Making

Pizza Making

15 days
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Pizza making is commonly thought of as a simple and easy process, but this is a misconception. In reality, pizza is a more complex craft. The pizza maker is an artisan and a specialist.

This detailed course focuses on the subtle chemical processes involved in creating quality dough. It provides students with a broad knowledge of flours and ingredients, their differing properties, and the best uses for each. The combination of practical instruction and theoretical knowledge ensures that students become well-versed in all aspects of producing the highest quality pizza.

Salient Features


  • Master the art of authentic pizza-making from scratch and uncover the secrets of creating the perfect pizza with guidance from an expert pizzamaker.
  • Learn to craft the most delicious toppings using the freshest and finest ingredients, and enjoy a delectable meal with your freshly prepared pizzas.

Curricular Structure


  • Chemical processes of dough mixing and related techniques 
  • Ingredients and their properties 
  • Professional equipment and its characteristics 
  • Preservation and conservation of ingredients 
  • Equipment safety and maintenance 
  • Introduction to basic hygiene 
  • Dough mix preparation 
  • Dough closing and preservation 
  • Dough opening by hand 
  • Use of toppings and Gross Profit management 
  • Pizza oven settings and baking 
  • Use of the oven, dough mixer and other equipment 
  • Basic bread preparation