MSc in Interdisciplinary Water Resources Management

MSc in Interdisciplinary Water Resources Management

2 years

Colleges offering MSc in Interdisciplinary Water Resources Management under Pokhara University

Nepal Engineering College (nec) is offering two years Masters Degree Program in Interdisciplinary Water Resources Management in affiliation to Pokhara University.

The objective of the program is to produce qualified professionals with interdisciplinary knowledge and skills and capacity to respond to the established and emerging challenges in water resources management.

The program is partially supported under Crossing Boundaries (CB) Project with funding of the Government of the Netherlands. The CB Project support includes 10 fellowships, called South Asian Water Alliance Fellowship (SAWA-Fellowship), awarded to 8 female and 2 male students every year.

Ten seats are also available for full fee paying students which comes to Rs. 200,000.00 for the entire course.Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the admission to the course and award of the SAWA-Fellowship.


Minimum Bachelor degree in Science and Technology ( Engineering, Applied Sciences, Natural Sciences or Basic Sciences) with 15 years of education completed from recognized university or institution, securing minimum of second division marks.

SAWA Fellowship: The fellowship covers full tuition fee, a monthly subsistence allowance of Rs. 5,000.00 for the duration of the course and international exposure through study visits and training programs.Selection Criteria:The selection of the candidates for admission to the course and award of SAWA Fellowship shall be based on academic merit, decided by past academic achievements, performance in the entrance test and interviews and work experience of the candidates. Women candidates are especially encouraged to apply.


"Bachelor's degree with at least second division having a minimum of 15 years of education in Science and Technology (Engineering, Basic Sciences, Applied and Natural Sciences) from a recognized university/institution."

Curricular Structure

Masters of Science in Interdisciplinary Water Resources Management Program of Pokhara University is designed to train water professionals with interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in pursing and promoting integrated water resources management in the country consistent to water resources development policy set forth by Water Resources Strategy (2002) and National Water Plan (2005).

The duration of the program is 2 years organized into 4 semesters. A student needs to successfully complete 44 credit hours of course work and 16 credit hours of thesis for graduation. 


Semester I


Course Code

Course Title

Credit hours

IWM 611

Hydrological Science


IWM 612

Water Flow and Hydraulics


IWM 613

Role of Water in Productive Activities


IWM 614

Society and Water: Public Health, Livelihood and Ecosystem


IWM 615

EIA and GIS Application in Water Resources


IWM 616

Presentation, Writing and Reporting Skills







Semester II


Course Code

Course Title

Credit hours

IWM 621

Economics of Water Resources Management


IWM 622

Gender, Water and Social Inclusion


IWM 623

Conflicts in Water management


IWM 624

Legal and policy Dimensions of Water Management


IWM 711

Water Induced Disaster and Risk Management







Semester III


Course code

Courses Title

Credit hours

IWM 712

Integrated Water Resources Management


IWM 713

Field Research Methodology


IWM 714

Power, Authority and History


IWM 750








Semester IV


Course Code

Courses Title

Credit hours

IWM 700
