Entrance Exams
Colleges offering MD Hospital Administration under BPKIHS
BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan offers MD in Hospital Administration (MDHA) program. The duration of course for MDHA program of B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences is of 3 years duration. The final examinations will be held between 34 and 36 months after the commencement of the course for MDHA.
MD Hospital Administration course prepares the students to learm the responsibilities of a hospital administrator/executive in a government or corporate or any other hospital. This course emphasizes on developing knowledge component, skill and attitude pertaining to Hospital Managers and also help the students in developing expertise in planning and managing different types of hospital. The course will also equip the student with problem-solving devices.
Candidates with MBBS or equivalent degree and registered with Nepal Medical Council with one year of work experience.
If a candidate does not fulfill the above criteria or submits false documents and sits for the entrance examination, he/she will be debarred from getting admission or will have to leave the course if false documents are found even at a later date.
Admission Criteria
The Entrance Examination consists of 200 single responses multiple choice questions carrying 200 marks. The minimum qualifying marks will be 40 %.The distribution of questions and marks for MDHA will be as follows according to their appropriate standards.
- Health related 50
- Management/Administration 50
- Research Methodology 60
- English 20
- General knowledge and aptitude for Management and administration 20
The duration of the examination is 3 hours. In case of tie in Entrance Examination, Ii there is a tie between two or more candidates for the last place for counseling by virtue of the candidate having same marks in the Entrance Examination, the candidate older in age will be given higher position in the merit list.