BSc Nutrition and Dietetics

BSc Nutrition and Dietetics

4 years

Colleges offering BSc Nutrition and Dietetics under Tribhuvan University

There is prevalence of malnutrition in most of the developing countries, including Nepal. It is the responsibility of the nation to combat it. In this regard, National Planning Commission prioritized a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics (B.Sc.ND) to address this problem in 2006. Central Campus of Technology, Central Department of Food Technology, Dharan therefore prepared the present course of study for Nutrition and Dietetics ( B.Sc.ND).  

B.Sc. Nutrition and Dietetics program is of four academic years. The whole course is divided into four parts, each of one year duration and 500 marks. In total, twenty papers are offered. Four theory papers are given 50 marks each while the rest sixteen papers are given 100 marks each.

Eleven papers carry practical parts, the marks distribution for theory and practical being 75% and 25%, respectively. In the fourth year, there are two additional compulsory courses, namely, (i) dissertation, and (ii) field-based posting (3 month internship), each carrying 100 marks. Short field visits will be decided by the Nutrition & Dietetics Instruction Committee.


The field of nutrition and dietetics is dedicated to protecting health and saving lives by developing knowledge and expertise in the field. Hence, the course aims to produce graduates with recognized clinical, public health and management skills. The graduates will be qualified to work as nutritionist and dietitian in the hospital setting and other specialized areas such as community and public health, and food industry sector.  

Salient Features

Hours of instruction and attendance

Working period will be 150 lecture hours (each lecture of 50 min duration) for the paper of 100 marks. One theory paper of 100 marks will have 4 lectures per week. One practical paper of 25 marks will have 4 hours of practical per week. An attendance of 70% in the class is compulsory.


Students should appear in 3-hour examination for theory paper of 100 as well as 75 full marks; and a 2-hour examination for theory paper of 50 as well as 37.5 full marks. Practical examination for 25 full marks will have a duration of 6 hours. 

Evaluation System 

Students will have to pass entirely in theory and practical examinations. Pass marks in theory and practical will be 35 and 40% respectively. 

Dissertations as well Internships (Field-based posting) will have pass marks of 40%. 

A students having passed all the years' examination will be graded as follows:  

Distinction- 75% and above 

1st division- 60% and above 

2nd division- 45% and above  


Eligibility for B.Sc. Nutrition and Dietetics

  1. Passed 10+2 in Science (Bio/Physics group) securing at least second division or passed SLC securing 50% and passed Diploma in Food and Dairy Technology securing second division from Tribhuvan University or any other university recognized by Tribhuvan University.
  2. For those students who passed 10+2 or equivalent from foreign board that must have passed taking English and Mathematics securing at least second division.

Admission Criteria

An applicant seeking admission to B.Sc.ND must appear in an entrance examination of two hours duration. The selection of the students for admission will be based on their merit in the entrance examination. 

Job Prospects

Dieticians and Nutritionists

If you'd like to focus on preventing illness, you might enjoy the study of nutrition. This can lead to a career as a dietician or nutritionist. The science-focused nutrition major includes applying what you learn. For example, you may design personalized diets for real clients.

Curricular Structure


First Year Subjects Full Marks
Mathematics and Statistics (T + P) 100 (75 + 25)
Principle of Food Science and Nutrition ( T ) 100
Nutritional Physiology ( T ) 50
Biophysics ( T + P ) 50 (37.5 + 12.5)
Food Chemistry ( T + P ) 100 (75 + 25)
Food and Medical Microbiology (T + P) 100 (75 + 25)
Total 500


Second Year Subjects Full Marks
Food Processing (T + P) 100 (75 + 25)
Nutritional Biochemistry ( T ) 100
Food Science I ( T ) 100
Food Science II ( T + P ) 100 (75 + 25)
Hygiene and Sanitation ( T ) 50
Food Toxicology ( T ) 50
Total 500


Third Year Subjects Full Marks
Human Nutrition( T ) 100
Catering and Management ( T + P ) 100 (75 + 25)
Community Nutrition and Nutrition Education ( T ) 100
Food Quality Control and Analysis ( T + P ) 100 (75 + 25)
Research Methodology and Computer Application ( T ) 100
Total 0
Fourth Year Subjects Full Marks
Food Habit and Nutritional Assessment ( T + P ) 100 (75 + 25)
Clinical Nutrition ( T + P ) 100 (75 + 25)
Dietetics ( T + P ) 100 (75 + 25)
Dissertation 100
Field Based Posting (Internship, 3 months) 100
Total 500
Grand Total 2000