British Gurkha Army

British Gurkha Army

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Dating back to 1815, the Brigade of Gurkhas has a rich history of dedicated service to the British Crown, displaying distinction in various global conflicts. Initially concentrated in the Far East until the handover of Hong Kong in 1997, the Brigade has since established its base in the UK. Annually, recruitment opportunities arise at the British Gurkha Army Camps in Pokhara and Dharan, Nepal, welcoming applications from Nepalese youth of all backgrounds and regions.

Admission Criteria

01. Qualifications?


  • Age : Minimum 18 and maximum 21 years
  • Height : Minimum 158cm
  • Weight : Minimum 50 Kgs
  • Eyes: Glasses/Contact Lenses/Laser Surgery Not accepted


  • SEE : English - C
  • SEE - Maths - C


  • Nepali Citizenship (NPP) of applicant and their parents
  • SLC / SEE passed documents
  • Machine Readable Passport

02. Selection Process?


  • 1. Documentation
  • 2. Chinups 8 times
  • 3. Mid Thigh

Regional Selection

  • 1. Medical and Education
  • 2. Physical : 800m, Heaving, Mid-Thigh, Repeated Carry, Medicine Ball
  • 3. Interview

Central Selection

  • 1. Medical
  • 2. Doko Carry, 2K, Education
  • 3. Interview