The TU-FOM offers instructions leading to a Bachelor of Business Studies to prepare professional managers capable of handling business in a dynamic global environment. Likewise, they are wise to produce socially responsible and creative entrepreneurs capable of promoting business and industry for the socio-economic development of Nepal.

Why Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS)?

  • A Strong Foundation in Allied Areas of Business
  • Understand Management Concepts, Theories, & Practices
  • Inter-Relationship of Business and Management Issues
  • Be Your Boss i.e. Auto-Entrepreneurship
  • Multiple Specializations Available
  • Projected Earning Potential

Especially FOM is to develop students into competent managers for any sector of organized activity. The course is a 4-years program and here we have classified subjects and syllabuses in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th-year categories. List of Subjects for BBS offered by Tribhuvan University.