The MBA at RJU is a two-year, 60-credit-hour, four-semester full academic program offering Foundational Courses, Core Courses, Specialization courses, and Elective Courses. These courses help students develop leadership capabilities and rich theoretical concepts to support their polished business skills.

First-semester students will take Foundational Courses, which develop their understanding of the successful operation of business activities. In the second semester, students will sharpen their managerial skills through courses offered. The remaining semesters prioritize Capstone, Elective, and Specialization courses to hone business and managerial skills.

In the third semester, students gain real-life work experience while working in business organizations for 8-10 weeks, as required by the Attachment (Internship) Program. Well-structured Attachment Project Reports (APRs) prepared by interns are confidentially evaluated by dean-office-appointed internal and external examiners. The host organization shoulders the marks responsibility of 40%, while the intern is assigned 60% to a seminar presentation.

The dissertation, exclusive to the last semester, allows candidates to gain fieldwork and empirical knowledge in the engaged topic. Evaluated by dean-office-appointed internal and external examiners, viva-voce and report writing bear marks of 40:60, respectively.

The overall course structure for the MBA at RJU looks as expressed below:

Courses Courses Offered Credit Hours
Foundational and Analytical 5 14
Core and Functional 10 27
Specialization 3 9
Elective 2 4
Research Project 1 3
Attachment (Internship) 1 3
Total   60

Admission Requirements

The MBA at RJU is a cross-stream academic offering. A Bachelor's degree from any recognized University may apply. In addition to the usual Entrance Examination administered by the University, previous academic records and performances, writing skills, and in-person interviews are also considered. The admission committee is the final authority for enrolling students.


A semester comprises 90 working days or 450 hours, and students are expected to complete the entire course within four semesters or two years. Only those who finish the complete course cycle within four years are considered eligible for graduation.

Assessment and MBA Degree Eligibility

Students' performance is continually judged through a sequence of well-developed in-semester and semester-end examinations. Classroom participation, term papers, tests, assignments, presentations, etc., are consulted for in-semester evaluation.

A three-hour semester-end examination (for a 2-credit-hour course) and a four-hour semester-end examination (for a 3-credit-hour course) are administered to evaluate students at the end of each semester.

Students who satisfy the conditions listed below are considered eligible for an MBA from RJU:

  • Students must satisfactorily complete the entire course within the given time frame.
  • Students should at least score a CGPA of 3.0 for graduation.

Career Prospects

The entire curriculum was devised in such a manner that successful graduates have plentiful knowledge and proficient skills that allow them to lead business organizations of any size and condition. So, one should not be surprised to see our graduates playing a leadership role in a medium or large-sized business organization.

They can also play a helpful role in seeking new investments and formulating plans for future expansion and growth.

Some of the career options available to MBA graduates are:

  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Chief Operation Officer
  • Chief Marketing Officer
  • Chief Management Consultant
  • Chief Human Resource Manager
  • Chief of Information Officers
  • Strategic Planner
  • Market Researcher

No matter where they end up, the graduates of the Master of Business Administration from RJU are expected to hold highly respected and well-paid jobs. It is not, however, necessary for our graduates to seek employment as they have skills that are strongly backed up by knowledge that allows them to initiate their own business