The world’s population has grown exponentially -- from small scatterings of people to giant cities with millions of residents living side by side.
While living in large groups has its advantages, one disadvantage is that it allows diseases to spread more easily. And now, with the entire world connected by airplanes, contagious illnesses can spread across the ocean from one continent to another. Medical scientists do the research needed in the fight against disease.
Medical scientists conduct research on diseases, and on the viruses and bacteria that cause them, to develop vaccines and medications.
While some medical scientists do research in labs, others work directly with patients, giving them new drugs and monitoring their health during trials. To do so, you’ll need to attend medical school.
Good at science and math and interested in the fight against illness. You’ll also need to be patient since it takes a lot of trial and error in the lab to reach that eureka moment.
Medical scientists often write grants to receive funding for their projects from agencies like the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.