After years of saving, Anita was finally able to buy the convertible of her dreams. Now it sits outside, glinting in the sun. But Anita can't head out for a joy ride till she's gotten insurance.
After she applies, an underwriter goes to work behind the scenes. The underwriter analyzes how likely Anita is to be a safe driver, and based on that information, comes up with the amount to charge her. Once Anita has written the check, she can take that first, longed-for spin.
Insurance underwriters figure out how risky it is to insure people and businesses. They also decide how much coverage they should receive and how much they should pay for it.
Most underwriters specialize in one of the three major kinds of insurance: life, health, or property and casualty.
Someone who enjoys paying attention to detail and analyzing information. You'll need good judgment in order to make savvy decisions. You'll also rely on your communication skills as you interact with insurance agents and other professionals in the business.
Property insurance covers damage to or loss of property such as a house. Casualty insurance covers a person or business for the cost of damage or injury caused to others.