
Last updated December 31, 2014

Just do it. Think different. Got milk? If topping slogans like these is a challenge that gets your adrenaline going, you could be a copywriter in the making. Just as songwriters use catchy hooks to write hit songs, copywriters use clever wordplay to write ads that people don’t forget. Whether it’s a print ad, radio script, billboard, or promotional flyer, it’s the copywriter’s job to lure the consumer through the written word.

Copywriters use the written word to entice consumers to buy products.

“You need to think on your feet and have the confidence to protect your good work.” John, Brand Manager, Advertising

Are You Ready To...?

  • Sparkle on command
  • Rewrite until you get it right
  • Write about products that don’t interest you
  • See your work on billboards, in magazines, or on the Web
  • Collaborate with a team
  • Work under tight deadlines
  • Deal with picky clients

It Helps To Be...

In love with language -- otherwise, why be a writer? A sharp wit is key, too, as humor is often at the heart of good copy writing. 

Make High School Count

  • Sharpen your writing skills and build your vocabulary in English and journalism classes.
  • Don’t shy away from speech class. It will strengthen your ability to think, write, and speak with clarity -- an essential part of good writing.
  • Write the headlines for your school newspaper. Headline writing is a close cousin to copy writing; both share the art of getting a message across with a minimum of words.

Did You Know?

You won’t get a byline as a copywriter, so check your ego at the door.