Wildlife Technicians

Last updated December 31, 2014

Wildlife technicians do whatever it takes to help wildlife biologists and conservation scientists. These scientists make management decisions about wild animals and natural resources. Technicians help them gather data and carry out their plans.

As a wildlife technician, you might track, trap, and tag animals or take surveys of them from a small plane. You might plant native grasses to restore a natural area or extract eggs in a fish hatchery. You might travel on snowshoes, work on a boat, or handle an all-terrain vehicle. Whatever tasks you do, you'll help wildlife professionals make smart decisions that will affect the Earth's future.

Wildlife technicians perform many duties to gather data on animals and to carry out management plans for wildlife and natural areas.

Did You Know?

Besides working outdoors, a wildlife technician might enter data into a computer, look at the results, and write reports on the findings.

Are You Ready To...?

  • Learn about area plants and animals
  • Trap and tag animals
  • Work in rough and remote terrain
  • Deal with bad weather and buggy areas
  • Carry heavy loads
  • Maintain equipment
  • Supervise less experienced technicians and volunteers as you advance in your career

It Helps To Be...

A nature lover in good physical shape who enjoys working outdoors. You should enjoy the sciences, math, and computers and be comfortable handling animals. You should also be able to work independently and as part of a team.

Make High School Count

  • Get experience working with computers.
  • Join the environmental or outdoors club at your school.
  • Get a good grounding in the life sciences, such as biology and ecology, and the physical sciences, such as math.

Did You Know?

Although wildlife professionals supervise them, technicians perform much of their work independently.