
Last updated January 01, 2015

The demand for seafood is growing. However, overfishing has caused a decline in many species of fish and shellfish. That's why aquaculturists raise fish and shellfish for food and sport fishing in fisheries, such as ponds and floating pens. These agricultural specialists make sure that fish are healthy and safe for eating.

Some aquaculturists work in natural environments, like coastal areas, to ensure these sites are fished in responsibly. That way, they'll continue to produce fish and shellfish in the future.

Aquaculturists raise fish and shellfish for commercial purposes, such as food and recreational fishing.

Did You Know?

Since the success of a farm depends on factors beyond their control -- like weather, disease, and the constantly changing prices fish bring at market -- aquaculturists must find ways to manage risk.

Are You Ready To...?

  • Work outdoors
  • Use tools and operate machinery
  • Maintain and repair equipment and farm facilities
  • Keep records for management and tax purposes
  • Work with scientists to ensure your fish have a high breeding rate
  • Do strenuous work and keep long hours

It Helps To Be...

A nature lover in good physical shape who likes working outdoors. You should enjoy the sciences, math, and computers and like working with tools and machines. And, of course, you’ll need to be comfortable handling fish.

Make High School Count

  • Get a good grounding in the life sciences, such as biology and ecology.
  • Take courses in the physical sciences, such as chemistry and math.
  • Build computer skills.
  • Participate in agricultural programs sponsored by such groups as the FFA and 4-H to learn more about farming.

Did You Know?

Aquaculturists use computers to keep records, manage farm operations, and get the latest news on product prices.