International Seminar on Two Decades of the Sadharanikaran Model of Communication - KUSOA

May 26, 2024 04:15
May 26, 2024 10:15
International Seminar on Two Decades of the Sadharanikaran Model of Communication - KUSOA

The International Seminar on Two Decades of the Sadharanikaran Model of Communication is being organized by the Department of Languages and Mass Communication at Kathmandu University's School of Arts (KUSOA).

Originating in Nepal in 2003 and evolving over time, the Sadharanikaran Model of Communication has garnered global recognition and is presently integrated into the curriculum of numerous universities worldwide. Scholars from diverse institutions and fields have engaged in ongoing research stemming from this model. This seminar offers a platform to reflect on the two-decade academic journey of this indigenous communication model.

Furthermore, it contributes to advancing discussions on De-Westernization and Reorientation within the field of communication. Participating in this international seminar represents a significant effort towards reaffirming authenticity in communication practices.

Professors from universities, early-career faculty members, Ph.D. candidates, students, communication practitioners, and independent researchers are warmly welcomed to take part in the event.

Key Details

  • Deadline for Submission of Tentative Topic and Abstract: Baisakh 02, 2081 (April 14, 2024)
  • Deadline for Submission of Full Paper: Jestha 01, 2081 (May 14, 2024)
  • Deadline for Registration: Jestha 07, 2081 (May 20, 2024)
  • Date for Seminar: Jestha 13, 2081 (May 26, 2024)
  • Interested Candidates can register for the Seminar HERE

The abstract must consist of 300-500 words followed by keywrods, whereas the ful papers shall of 3000-5000 words (excluding the references and appendices).

Seminar Activities

  • Paper Presentations
  • Panel Discussions
  • Keynote Speeches
  • Other Knowledge Sharing Opportunities

Research Paper Topics

  • Appraisals on the Sadharanikaran Model of Communication (SMC) from Multi / Inter- disciplinary Perspectives
  • Review of the Evolution and Institutionalization of the SMC in last two decades
  • Review of published works that draw on the Sadharanikaran Model of Communication (SMC)
  • Comparative analysis between the SMC and other theories/models of communication
  • Contributions of the SMC in intellectual traditions like De-Westernization and Re- orientation
  • Relevance of Bharata Muni's Natyashastra in the digital era
  • Relevance of Bhartrihari's Vakyapadiya in the digital era
  • Sadharanikaran, Digital Galaxy and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Use of Sahridayata (the core concept of the SMC) in conflict resolution and peace building
  • The Sancharyoga theory
  • The Sadharanikaran Media Analysis Technique (SMAT)
  • Analyzing the SMC from different perspectives such as Public Sphere, Inclusion, Humanism, and so on
  • Philosophical explorations on the SMC
  • Forging future using the Sadharanikaran Model

Note: The international seminar will be conducted in a blended format, encompassing both online and offline participation concurrently. Confirmation will be dispatched to applicants following review by the organizing committee.

View the official notice below: