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A-Levels 2081

Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology (IOST) extends its Thesis Submission Deadline


November 30, 2020

Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology (IOST), Dean Office, Office of The Academic Council has published news regarding students pursuing M.Sc., M.Phil, and Ph.D. under Institute of Science and Technology on their thesis submission deadline.

Students who have completed all other procedures but are unable to submit their thesis due to Covid 19, the submission deadlines have been extended. It was decided to extend the thesis submission time till the end of the month of Chaitra 2077. The term of date extension will also be applied for the students of other faculties and for postgraduate and M.Phil level students.

Also, the students who have passed all the subjects in the M. Phil program conducted in the Central Department of Mathematics are provided a one-time chance to submit their research papers till the end of Chaitra.

Details to follow:

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