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A-Levels 2081

Master First Year Exam Center Amendment Notice: Tribhuvan University


June 23, 2019

Tribhuvan University, Office of the Controller of Examination, Balkhu published the notice for the amendment of the examination center notice of Master First Year (Humanities-MA, Management-MBS, Public Administration-MPA and Education-M.Ed). 

View the official notice below: 


Tribhuvan University, Office of the Controller of Examination, Balkhu today publishes the examination center notice of Master First Year (Humanities-MA, Management-MBS, Public Administration-MPA and Education-M.Ed) according to the yearly calendar. Master First year examination is going to commence from Ashadh 11, 2076. 

This examination center notice is for Masters level first year Partial and Private (Full and Partial) examinees of Kathmandu Valley and Kavre district. 

Click here to find the exam routine of Masters First Year.

Examination Time: 11 AM to 3 PM. 

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